This is an official CDC HEALTH UPDATE
Distributed via the CDC Health Alert Network March 4, 2013, 16:30 ET (4:30 PM ET) CDCHAN-00342
Notice to Clinicians: Continued Vigilance Urged for
Fungal Infections among Patients Who Received
Contaminated Steroid Injections
CDC continues to receive new reports of fungal infection among patients
who were given injections of contaminated methylprednisolone acetate
(MPA1) from the New England Compounding Center (NECC) in
Framingham, Mass. Most of these recent cases have
been localized spinal or paraspinal infections (e.g., epidural
abscesses) in patients, although new cases of meningitis or
arachnoiditis also have been reported. Because many of these new cases
are among patients with minimal symptoms, CDC is re-emphasizing
the recommendation for clinicians to remain vigilant for fungal
infections, especially in patients with mild or even baseline symptoms,
and consider evaluation with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) if
clinically warranted. This Health Alert Network (HAN) notice
provides the following:
Information about the current status of the outbreak;
Recommendations for clinical management and follow-up of exposed patients;
Notice of an upcoming CDC conference call to provide clinicians with additional diagnostic and treatment information.
Status of Fungal Disease Outbreak
As of March 4, 2013, a total of 720 cases, which includes 48 deaths,
have been reported in 20 states. Current information about the outbreak,
including case counts and distribution by state, and clinician and
patient guidance, is available online at
meningitis, often with a mild clinical presentation, was the
predominant clinical syndrome
reported among case-patients during the first several weeks of the
outbreak (figure). Over the past several months, there has been a marked
decrease in reports of fungal meningitis, but CDC continues to receive
reports of localized spinal and paraspinal infections,
which include epidural abscess, phlegmon, arachnoiditis, and discitis.
some of these newly identified case-patients had initially tested
negative for signs
of a fungal infection (either by lumbar puncture or MRI) and have
subsequently developed fungal infection, indicating a prolonged
incubation period.
the recall of NECC steroid medications on September 26, state and local
health departments
identified almost 14,000 people in 23 states who were potentially
exposed to the implicated MPA; of these, an estimated 11,000 individuals
received spinal or paraspinal injections. Through active notification
by clinics with assistance from states and CDC
in early October, nearly all of these exposed persons were contacted at
least once and informed of their risk for fungal infection as a result
of receiving injections with contaminated medication.
Despite this and subsequent patient outreach efforts, CDC and public health partners remain concerned
about the potential for
some exposed patients to have localized
fungal infections that have gone unrecognized. These infections may be
unrecognized because some patients have not continued to receive close
clinical follow-up or because they have not recognized
symptoms suggestive of a localized infection, which may be difficult to
distinguish from their baseline chronic pain.
As described in CDC’s HAN update on December 20
MRI testing was done on 128 patients in Michigan, Tennessee, and North
Carolina who had no previous evidence of infection and had new or
worsening symptoms at or near the site of their spinal or paraspinal
injection. Of these, 67 (52%) had findings suggestive
of localized infection. In addition, of 109 different patients
reporting persistent but baseline symptoms at or near the site of their
spinal or paraspinal injection, 15 (14%) also had abnormal MRI findings
suggestive of infection, and 27 (25%) had non-specific
enhancement of soft tissue or other paraspinal structures. The
clinical significance of these findings is unclear; however, there is a
theoretical risk that failure to diagnose these infections in a timely
fashion could result in poor outcomes for patients
(e.g., neurologic compromise, osteomyelitis, or progression to
Patient and Clinician Recommendations
Early in the outbreak, CDC advised clinicians to closely monitor and evaluate patients who received injections of implicated
MPA. Additional guidance was provided in HAN updates issued on November 20 (
and December 20 (
Because of the possibility that some patients may have unrecognized,
localized fungal infections, CDC is re-emphasizing the following
recommendations for patients who received a spinal or paraspinal
injection with implicated MPA:
who received an injection in or near their spine from one of the three implicated lots of MPA1
and who have any symptoms at or near the site of their injection should
seek evaluation by their medical provider for the possibility of a
infection, such as an epidural abscess. This includes patients who
initially received steroid injections for pain and continue to have
persistent baseline pain.
As a part of continued monitoring of patients who received an injection with implicated MPA, clinicians should consider
re-evaluating patients who received a spinal or paraspinal injection with implicated MPA
for signs and symptoms suggestive of infection, including any symptoms
at or near the site of their injection. Because of the prolonged
incubation period for these infections, this guidance pertains both to
patients who have not been previously evaluated and to those who have
already had a prior negative evaluation (e.g., normal cerebrospinal
fluid profile, normal findings on MRI) but continue
to have complaints:
patients with new or worsening symptoms at or near the site of their
injection, clinicians should obtain an MRI with contrast of the
patients with persistent but baseline symptoms, clinicians should
consider obtaining an MRI with contrast of the symptomatic area(s)
because the
presentation of spinal or paraspinal infections can be subtle, and may
be difficult to distinguish from a patient’s baseline chronic pain.
some cases, radiologic evidence of abscess or phlegmon has become
apparent on repeat MRI studies performed subsequent to an initially
normal imaging
procedure. Clinicians should therefore have a low threshold for repeat
MRI studies in patients who continue to have symptoms localizing to the
site of injection, even after a normal study. However, the optimal
duration between MRI studies is unknown.
should also consider reviewing MRI results with a neuroradiologist
because of potential difficulties in interpreting imaging results for
these patients.
Revised Clinical Guidance and Clinician Information Call
response to input from expert consultants on fungal disease and
physicians who have been treating patients affected
by this outbreak, CDC has revised its Interim Treatment and Diagnostic
Guidance for Central Nervous System and Parameningeal Infections
Associated with Injection of Contaminated Steroid Products
The revisions include addition of new information on several topics, including:
Surgical management of parameningeal disease
Duration of antifungal treatment
Monitoring clinical status after cessation of antifungal treatment
Information on non-first-line medications (e.g., posaconazole or itraconazole)
conference call for clinicians interested in obtaining additional
information about the management and treatment of patients with
fungal illness associated with this outbreak has been scheduled for
March 13 at 5:00 p.m. The presenter will be Tom Chiller, M.D., medical
officer, CDC. Registration and call-in information and other details
about the conference call will be available on
CDC’s website
lots of methylprednisolone acetate (PF) 80mg/ml:
Methylprednisolone Acetate (PF) 80 mg/ml Injection, Lot #05212012@68, BUD 11/17/2012
Methylprednisolone Acetate (PF) 80 mg/ml Injection, Lot #06292012@26, BUD 12/26/2012
Methylprednisolone Acetate (PF) 80 mg/ml Injection, Lot #08102012@51, BUD 2/6/2013
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) protects people's
health and safety by preventing and controlling diseases and injuries;
health decisions by providing credible information on critical health
issues; and promotes healthy living through strong partnerships with
local, national, and international organizations.
Categories of Health Alert Network messages:
Health Alert
Requires immediate action or attention; highest level of importance
Health Advisory May not require immediate
action; provides important information for a specific incident or situation
Health Update
Unlikely to require immediate action; provides updated information regarding an incident or situation
HAN Info Service Does not require
immediate action; provides general public health information
##This message was distributed to
state and local health officers, public information officers, epidemiologists, HAN coordinators, and clinician organizations##