Thursday, December 19, 2013


With significant progress being achieved in cancer therapy, we are finding ourself living with our sisters and few brothers who had gone through the horrific ordeal of Breast Cancer treatments and now live with this doubt on whether or not the disease is going to come back.  While it is true that in most solid tumors, the 5 year survival rule could be applied, and that we can reassure victims of solid tumor disease that once you pass 5 years post treatment, your risk of recurrence is critically decreased and one can venture to call this bench  mark for cure,  Breast cancer remains a mysterious disease that seems to escape this general rule!  Breast Cancer can return when it wants....It seems that for some reasons it can stay dormant, and wake up to disturb its victim once again.  (Clue) What this is reminiscent of, is of course Viral Herpes when it first shows up as chicken Pox and goes to sleep in our nerve roots, and break out as Shingles later on in our peaceful life to disturb and affect it.  (New clue, progress in HIV, it is now a chronic disease)
At gene level, nothing occurs without some genes acting out!  It is time that we answer the questions that survivors need from us.  The genes are there, let take the time to look at them and stop this cancer cell madness of trying to come back in our survivors.  No head in the sand because we don't have an answer, but take the Bull by the Horns and see what happens!  (You know what I mean!)

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