how to detect vascular health?
objective 130/80
biomarkers for detecting risk of stroke, A-fib, ESRD,peripheral
and how that correlate with BMI and age, and level of HTN
A blog about research, awareness, prevention, treatment and survivorship of Breast Cancer and all cancers, including targeted scientific research and a grassroots approach to increase screening for cancer, especially in the low income and under-insured population of El Paso, Texas, with a view to expand this new health care model to many other 'minority' populations across the United States and beyond
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Cytokine Bank!
Nothing will produce such a bounce in medicine
there no parallel in progress in medicine
but constitution of a cytokine bank will have the most benefit both financially and medically without precedent! Its touch will be wide, unprecedent and a marvel in science. With genetic know how of current days, an amplification of minimally present cytokine could have unpredictable effect. A cytokine storm kill the host, there is no increment or change in our cells that is more likely cytokine driven, it leads to scar and every major complicated syndrome includes somewhere cytokine release or activity. From PTSD to diarrhea, from treatment of cancers (IL-2 for renal cell cancer including the rare cures in this disease come from IL-2), from lung fibrosis to why CD4 drops in HIV, you name you got it in medicine, from being young to becoming old, all phenomena are affected by Cytokines. We know this and the cytokines know they exist, but we keep our heads in the sand. But I know this, medicine of the next century will be made by how much a condition needs in term of cytokine to be treated.
We got to start a cytokine Bank Now!
there no parallel in progress in medicine
but constitution of a cytokine bank will have the most benefit both financially and medically without precedent! Its touch will be wide, unprecedent and a marvel in science. With genetic know how of current days, an amplification of minimally present cytokine could have unpredictable effect. A cytokine storm kill the host, there is no increment or change in our cells that is more likely cytokine driven, it leads to scar and every major complicated syndrome includes somewhere cytokine release or activity. From PTSD to diarrhea, from treatment of cancers (IL-2 for renal cell cancer including the rare cures in this disease come from IL-2), from lung fibrosis to why CD4 drops in HIV, you name you got it in medicine, from being young to becoming old, all phenomena are affected by Cytokines. We know this and the cytokines know they exist, but we keep our heads in the sand. But I know this, medicine of the next century will be made by how much a condition needs in term of cytokine to be treated.
We got to start a cytokine Bank Now!
- Immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily, which are ubiquitously present throughout several cells and tissues of the vertebrate body, and share structural homology with immunoglobulins (antibodies), cell adhesion molecules, and even some cytokines. Examples: IL-1 receptor types.
- Hemopoietic Growth Factor (type 1) family, whose members have certain conserved motifs in their extracellular amino-acid domain. The IL-2 receptor belongs to this chain, whose γ-chain (common to several other cytokines) deficiency is directly responsible for the x-linked form of Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (X-SCID).
- Interferon (type 2) family, whose members are receptors for IFN β and γ.
- Tumor necrosis factors (TNF) (type 3) family, whose members share a cysteine-rich common extracellular binding domain, and includes several other non-cytokine ligands like CD40, CD27 and CD30, besides the ligands on which the family is named (TNF).
- Seven transmembrane helix family, the ubiquitous receptor type of the animal kingdom. All G protein-coupled receptors (for hormones and neurotransmitters) belong to this family. Chemokine receptors, two of which act as binding proteins for HIV (CD4 and CCR5), also belong to this family.[citation needed]
- Interleukin-17 receptor (IL-17R) family, which shows little homology with any other cytokine receptor family. Structural motifs conserved between members of this family include: an extracellular fibronectin III-like domain, a transmembrane domain and a cytoplasmic SERIF domain. The known members of this family are as follows: IL-17RA, IL-17RB, IL-17RC, IL17RD and IL-17RE.[12]
- Interleukin-12 (IL-12), secreted by macrophages and act on TH0 (T-helper cell 0) and convert into TH1 (T-helper cell 1)which produce IFN γ. IFN γ activates macrophages, thus starting cell mediated immune response."
Thursday, March 27, 2014
*Metastatic processes are facilitated with depression of E-Cadherin
but are PKP2 also depressed or overexpressed
does the processes of metastatic diseases different than base line natural cellular displacement in terms of Vimentin, plakoglobin, and desmoplakin expression. Or are these proteins behaving the same way no matter the cellular process.
*Can these parameters translate well the activity of Taxotere.
*Can level of methylated Vimentin coincide with Taxotere resistance or susceptibility, or level of side effects in the patient being treated.
*Can these genes reliably predict Adriamycin toxicity!
*can tightening Microtubule -Vimentin interaction by Antibody slow down cancer metastatic potentials?
*Is Tuberin/Hamartin more easily evaluated in the peripheral sera
but are PKP2 also depressed or overexpressed
does the processes of metastatic diseases different than base line natural cellular displacement in terms of Vimentin, plakoglobin, and desmoplakin expression. Or are these proteins behaving the same way no matter the cellular process.
*Can these parameters translate well the activity of Taxotere.
*Can level of methylated Vimentin coincide with Taxotere resistance or susceptibility, or level of side effects in the patient being treated.
*Can these genes reliably predict Adriamycin toxicity!
*can tightening Microtubule -Vimentin interaction by Antibody slow down cancer metastatic potentials?
*Is Tuberin/Hamartin more easily evaluated in the peripheral sera
Human Papillomavirus 16 E6 Oncoprotein Interferences with Insulin Signaling Pathway by Binding to Tuberin
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
looking into new targets
Casolaro et al
" Recently Polo-Like Kinase 1 (PLK1) has emerged as a new candidate drug target in AML."
but evidence is imposing PLGC1 because of its critical interactions with Gerb2 and DVL1, the FLT
and may be more importantly with ETS.
*Anti-NHE1/CHP could have a larger impact in resistant Thyroid cancers theoritically, or diseases where the Calcineurin/NFAT have a stronger role?
" Recently Polo-Like Kinase 1 (PLK1) has emerged as a new candidate drug target in AML."
but evidence is imposing PLGC1 because of its critical interactions with Gerb2 and DVL1, the FLT
and may be more importantly with ETS.
*Anti-NHE1/CHP could have a larger impact in resistant Thyroid cancers theoritically, or diseases where the Calcineurin/NFAT have a stronger role?
Sunday, March 23, 2014
from those who know the regulators of major pathways!
"Nde1, Lis1, and Brap regulates the dynamic MAPK signaling threshold in a spatially dependent fashion. Brap, a mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling threshold modulator,"
what more, we need to find out!
what more, we need to find out!
Careful what you read
In cancer reading, one should be careful because so much remains unknown
most of the time, the reader is exposed to the writer interpretation of facts.
One may suggest that a gene amplification, mutation or repression is bad for the cancer as if that gene presentation is notoriously bad for the patient. The statement tends to suggest the presence of this gene variation from the norm to be either predictive or prognosis. But little is said on whether that gene happens to be bad because the use of the current therapy ensure a poor response! What is bad is not the gene presence, it is the use of a poor therapy that worsen the situation. This is why target therapy is warranted! Now it is true that at current time, we don't know it all, but one thing is for sure, as we progress with medicine, and as we know more, our therapy is improving sharply...our patient are noticing the difference. Our Colon cancer patients have ripped the benefit...and so do those with Multiple Myeloma.
But there are recalcitrant cancers such as the Gliomas in which we are still struggling! But so we intensify our research...
One other area of caution is the weight loss in our cancer patients. We like the idea that there is associated production of cytokine or growth factors that accompany cancers and causes the cachexia or marked weight loss in these diseases. Cachectins and other cytokines have been thrown at our faces as a reason for the phenomena. We fail to recognize that deep in the belly of genes draining the cancers, these unique perturbations of genes actually directly affect other genes compromising the Glucolysis or Glucogenesis. ie TPI genes (G3P combination to DHAP). And that may be supplying the end result to this combination to these patient should be a therapeutic intervention to be incorporated in the therapeutic strategy (if the failure is diagnosed). We could use Giardia infection as a sign this is actually happening! wake up folks we see this all the time!
(to be continued)
most of the time, the reader is exposed to the writer interpretation of facts.
One may suggest that a gene amplification, mutation or repression is bad for the cancer as if that gene presentation is notoriously bad for the patient. The statement tends to suggest the presence of this gene variation from the norm to be either predictive or prognosis. But little is said on whether that gene happens to be bad because the use of the current therapy ensure a poor response! What is bad is not the gene presence, it is the use of a poor therapy that worsen the situation. This is why target therapy is warranted! Now it is true that at current time, we don't know it all, but one thing is for sure, as we progress with medicine, and as we know more, our therapy is improving sharply...our patient are noticing the difference. Our Colon cancer patients have ripped the benefit...and so do those with Multiple Myeloma.
But there are recalcitrant cancers such as the Gliomas in which we are still struggling! But so we intensify our research...
One other area of caution is the weight loss in our cancer patients. We like the idea that there is associated production of cytokine or growth factors that accompany cancers and causes the cachexia or marked weight loss in these diseases. Cachectins and other cytokines have been thrown at our faces as a reason for the phenomena. We fail to recognize that deep in the belly of genes draining the cancers, these unique perturbations of genes actually directly affect other genes compromising the Glucolysis or Glucogenesis. ie TPI genes (G3P combination to DHAP). And that may be supplying the end result to this combination to these patient should be a therapeutic intervention to be incorporated in the therapeutic strategy (if the failure is diagnosed). We could use Giardia infection as a sign this is actually happening! wake up folks we see this all the time!
(to be continued)
looking into cancer resistance and the autoimmune syndromes
-Does chronic exposure to autoimmune diseases or antigen stimulate
a new set of genes
-does these gene include genes from cellular growth
or cellular growth in autoimmune diseases is limited by consequence of energy consumption
does blocking energy consumption a valid intervention in cancer cure
-is vitamin D deficiency linked to consumption or repression of this gene or lack of absorption
-what are the cytokines liberated during an autoimmune disease
-how does decrease of proliferation rate linked to resistance to apoptosis
-how necrosis, senescence, autophagy (type II programmed cell death) and mitotic disruptions can be brought to bear in cancer resistance
-detections of inhibitors to main pathways,
-does inhibition represent a valid option to cancer cure
-does inhibitions of pump/ion receptor a potential way of wining resistance to cancer therapy
-can amplifying c-MYC be a major therapeutic intervention given its effect on Bcl-2
-According to the ASCPB:"DNA methylation is established by DNA methyltransferase (DMT) enzymes that transfer a methyl group from S-adenosyl Met to the fifth carbon of cytosine. Depending on whether the recognition site is already methylated or not, these enzymes can largely be subdivided into maintenance and de novo DMTs. Maintenance DMTs conserve the methylation status of symmetrical (palindromic) sites after DNA replication by recognizing the hemimethylated locus and methylating the newly synthesized strand. Candaele et al. (pp. 1350–1364)"
dosing this Methylation may be a significant intervention in cancer resistance particularly in cancer that use the subterfuge of migrating at distant levels to recur (glioblastoma)
-does combining
-does Pomalidomide or vectibix increase the effect of Temozolimide
-or is it Panobinostat (hydroxamic acid) the next enhancer of Temolomide!
-or is it Erivedge the next big thing?
-what is the the cytokines involved or is there any?
a new set of genes
-does these gene include genes from cellular growth
or cellular growth in autoimmune diseases is limited by consequence of energy consumption
does blocking energy consumption a valid intervention in cancer cure
-is vitamin D deficiency linked to consumption or repression of this gene or lack of absorption
-what are the cytokines liberated during an autoimmune disease
-how does decrease of proliferation rate linked to resistance to apoptosis
-how necrosis, senescence, autophagy (type II programmed cell death) and mitotic disruptions can be brought to bear in cancer resistance
-detections of inhibitors to main pathways,
-does inhibition represent a valid option to cancer cure
-does inhibitions of pump/ion receptor a potential way of wining resistance to cancer therapy
-can amplifying c-MYC be a major therapeutic intervention given its effect on Bcl-2
-According to the ASCPB:"DNA methylation is established by DNA methyltransferase (DMT) enzymes that transfer a methyl group from S-adenosyl Met to the fifth carbon of cytosine. Depending on whether the recognition site is already methylated or not, these enzymes can largely be subdivided into maintenance and de novo DMTs. Maintenance DMTs conserve the methylation status of symmetrical (palindromic) sites after DNA replication by recognizing the hemimethylated locus and methylating the newly synthesized strand. Candaele et al. (pp. 1350–1364)"
dosing this Methylation may be a significant intervention in cancer resistance particularly in cancer that use the subterfuge of migrating at distant levels to recur (glioblastoma)
-does combining
-does Pomalidomide or vectibix increase the effect of Temozolimide
-or is it Panobinostat (hydroxamic acid) the next enhancer of Temolomide!
-or is it Erivedge the next big thing?
-what is the the cytokines involved or is there any?
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Another Local hospital will accept our patients
It was long awaited
another Large local hospital will start accepting greater east cancer center patients
another Large local hospital will start accepting greater east cancer center patients
Del Sol Medical Center, has approved privileges to crbcm
we are happy, and look forward to admitting our patients there! Progress is slow but certain. We will greatly use their infusion center capabilities and their radiology dept. It is great that most of the inherited patients have been asking about this affiliation since they are used to use this facility for their care. They will be happy to learn that crbcm can assure them a continuation of care with this large facility in El Paso!
In the mean time our work at Griffols/Talecris Plasma centers (El Paso 2& 4) continue...
and we saw one patient with familial Rosacea, we are glad to report that a combination of metronidazole cream and Acid Azelaic gel is performing wonderfully! A closer look on Familial Rosacea is warranted (genetic base!)in our future blog! crbcm has a wide panel of patients!
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Evidences increase that FOXO3 (HYPOTHESIS)
FOXO3 is the reason why inflammatory processes and other causes (such hyperhomocysteinemia) DO NOT INDUCE CELLULAR PROLIFERATION.
BLOCK PROLIFERATION, build up of FOX3 may favor autophagia instead
(let's work some more)
Phosphorylation of AKT is closely watched by FOXO3!
BLOCK PROLIFERATION, build up of FOX3 may favor autophagia instead
(let's work some more)
Phosphorylation of AKT is closely watched by FOXO3!
how to stay young
first you have to know all your genes
and every time you want to ingest something, know the genes in what you eat and think that you are about to interact with new genes and reactions with your system will occur
now digestion will occur and what you will eat will be digested
but remember alot we eat ultimately will go through as is particularly small molecules, and will interact with your cells at pure state.
Now it appears that Oxidants have a deeper meaning since they not only induces reactions in your body but they appear to shorten your life by inducing creation of abnormal proteins at mitochondrial levels or by inducing post translational changes to normal proteins. (The so called Mitochondria unfolded protein response). Whether they induce production of cytokines that will have distant effect at cells with special receptors such as the distant substance negria is still debated but will soon come to light once we know the specific cytokine involved (or is it a TGF) !
think like this, with each abnormal proteins secreted you lose a year of your life, or at least some time of your life. This means that with every extra stress, stress created in our mitochondria, you lose some lifespan. And it makes perfect sens, at the core of the Mitochondria is the CRE gene and just tell me what gene does not impact the CRE gene. And remember the CRE gene is in the inflammation, it is in the alcohol metabolism, it is everywhere, it is involved when you are awake and when you sleep, underwatter, or above the ground, in activity of the FOS or Adenyl Cyclase, the HIF or the MTOR. where ever you go, the CRE gene is involved...
Thinking to stay young, look at the FOX, not the gene but the animal FOX, which is full of agility, brightness, and our genes we have the FOXOs, (no clear relation you will rightly say) but if you lack a high level of FOXOs, your life is long! you lack the FOXO you can't stop your life from FLIP-ing to a live state because FLIP is anti-apoptotic for cells. FOXOs elevated will make you killed faster! HIGH FOXOs INCREASES BIM AND PUMA.
AND IF YOU ASK ANN BRUNET ET AL " Within the nucleus, FKHRL1 triggers apoptosis most likely by inducing the expression of genes that are critical for cell death, such as the Fas ligand gene."
This FKHRL1 is something to watch closely because of its reported association with 14-3-3. Is this the same protein found in CReutzfeldt Jakob? how come? cellular autophagia? how these fact can be used in a cure of cancer is another chapter! we are digging deeper!
and every time you want to ingest something, know the genes in what you eat and think that you are about to interact with new genes and reactions with your system will occur
now digestion will occur and what you will eat will be digested
but remember alot we eat ultimately will go through as is particularly small molecules, and will interact with your cells at pure state.
Now it appears that Oxidants have a deeper meaning since they not only induces reactions in your body but they appear to shorten your life by inducing creation of abnormal proteins at mitochondrial levels or by inducing post translational changes to normal proteins. (The so called Mitochondria unfolded protein response). Whether they induce production of cytokines that will have distant effect at cells with special receptors such as the distant substance negria is still debated but will soon come to light once we know the specific cytokine involved (or is it a TGF) !
think like this, with each abnormal proteins secreted you lose a year of your life, or at least some time of your life. This means that with every extra stress, stress created in our mitochondria, you lose some lifespan. And it makes perfect sens, at the core of the Mitochondria is the CRE gene and just tell me what gene does not impact the CRE gene. And remember the CRE gene is in the inflammation, it is in the alcohol metabolism, it is everywhere, it is involved when you are awake and when you sleep, underwatter, or above the ground, in activity of the FOS or Adenyl Cyclase, the HIF or the MTOR. where ever you go, the CRE gene is involved...
Thinking to stay young, look at the FOX, not the gene but the animal FOX, which is full of agility, brightness, and our genes we have the FOXOs, (no clear relation you will rightly say) but if you lack a high level of FOXOs, your life is long! you lack the FOXO you can't stop your life from FLIP-ing to a live state because FLIP is anti-apoptotic for cells. FOXOs elevated will make you killed faster! HIGH FOXOs INCREASES BIM AND PUMA.
AND IF YOU ASK ANN BRUNET ET AL " Within the nucleus, FKHRL1 triggers apoptosis most likely by inducing the expression of genes that are critical for cell death, such as the Fas ligand gene."
This FKHRL1 is something to watch closely because of its reported association with 14-3-3. Is this the same protein found in CReutzfeldt Jakob? how come? cellular autophagia? how these fact can be used in a cure of cancer is another chapter! we are digging deeper!
Instead of exercising, why not decrease the DAF 2 gene? (suggestions from the literature
"Decreased DAF-2 signaling also causes an increase in life-span." kimura et
al! or is it the Insulin line
"Reduced signaling through the IGF type 1 (IGF-1) receptor increases life span in multiple invertebrate organisms. Studies on mammalian longevity suggest that reducing levels of IGF-1 may also increase life span."Lorenzini et al?
is it Mitochondrial activities as suggested by long et al:
"The traditional view of the role of mitochondria generated reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cellular aging...linked to "...."All of these appear to elicit mitochondrial retrograde signaling processes (defined as signaling from the mitochondria to the rest of the cell, for example, the mitochondrial unfolded protein response, or UPRmt). The effects of mitochondrial retrograde signaling may even spread to other cells/tissues in a noncell autonomous manner by yet unidentified signaling mediators." long et al
are these some forms of cytokines ?
It is assumed that such cytokine effect can act on FOXO3 in the substance Nigra:
"Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by the selective degeneration of neuronal populations presumably due to pathogenic interactions between aging and predisposing factors such as increased levels of α-synuclein. Here, we genetically modulate the activity of the transcription factor Forkhead box protein O3 (FOXO3) in adult nigral dopaminergic neurons" Pino et
It is assumed that such cytokine effect can act on FOXO3 in the substance Nigria:
if such cytokine is freed, they induces significant " consequences of their deregulation for tissue function and longevity." wang et al!
other researcher are focusing on UPR:
" In this review, we focus on the mitochondrial unfolded protein response (UPRmt), a response to proteotoxic stress specifically in mitochondria, an organelle with a wide array of fundamental functions, most notably the harvesting of energy from food and the control of cell death." Jovaisaite et al!
How this UPR is linked to Foxo3 or cytokine remains to be clarified...
Katoh et al
"Acceleration of ER-associated degradation in response to the accumulation of unfolded glycoproteins and insufficient interaction with calnexin/calreticulin in the ER lumen likely accounts for the increase of FOSs."
"C-fos but not c-jun expression was also suppressed in the diabetic group" Lu et al
could you follow age by level of c-FOS, we know here we are closer to Foxo3 in the epigenic area!
to be continued!........
al! or is it the Insulin line
"Reduced signaling through the IGF type 1 (IGF-1) receptor increases life span in multiple invertebrate organisms. Studies on mammalian longevity suggest that reducing levels of IGF-1 may also increase life span."Lorenzini et al?
is it Mitochondrial activities as suggested by long et al:
"The traditional view of the role of mitochondria generated reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cellular aging...linked to "...."All of these appear to elicit mitochondrial retrograde signaling processes (defined as signaling from the mitochondria to the rest of the cell, for example, the mitochondrial unfolded protein response, or UPRmt). The effects of mitochondrial retrograde signaling may even spread to other cells/tissues in a noncell autonomous manner by yet unidentified signaling mediators." long et al
are these some forms of cytokines ?
It is assumed that such cytokine effect can act on FOXO3 in the substance Nigra:
"Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by the selective degeneration of neuronal populations presumably due to pathogenic interactions between aging and predisposing factors such as increased levels of α-synuclein. Here, we genetically modulate the activity of the transcription factor Forkhead box protein O3 (FOXO3) in adult nigral dopaminergic neurons" Pino et
It is assumed that such cytokine effect can act on FOXO3 in the substance Nigria:
if such cytokine is freed, they induces significant " consequences of their deregulation for tissue function and longevity." wang et al!
other researcher are focusing on UPR:
" In this review, we focus on the mitochondrial unfolded protein response (UPRmt), a response to proteotoxic stress specifically in mitochondria, an organelle with a wide array of fundamental functions, most notably the harvesting of energy from food and the control of cell death." Jovaisaite et al!
How this UPR is linked to Foxo3 or cytokine remains to be clarified...
Katoh et al
"Acceleration of ER-associated degradation in response to the accumulation of unfolded glycoproteins and insufficient interaction with calnexin/calreticulin in the ER lumen likely accounts for the increase of FOSs."
"C-fos but not c-jun expression was also suppressed in the diabetic group" Lu et al
could you follow age by level of c-FOS, we know here we are closer to Foxo3 in the epigenic area!
to be continued!........
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
questions of the day in stroke or myocardial events
What weakens the blood vessel for stroke to occur
is it an acute process
is it a long standing transformation due to or inducing cytokine release (can we capture the moment?)
what about the the role of the HIF gene? the MTOR, CRE and the Adenyl Cyclase
what is the exact role of VEGF (or the various VEGF)
what is the role of the endothelial genes/integrins/what A4Beta.
what is the level of metalloproteases before and at rupture
stress on the Cateins
can the FGF-1 tell us a thing
what is the PDGFR reaction
secretion of platelet during clotting at blood vessel
what is happening in the endothelial cells, what can preclude the secondary incident that happens within a year
is the therapeutic response adequate
does Aspirin good as an universal response (based on impact on the c-jun--c-fos taken indiviual or by ratio)
what is the c-fos and c-jun behavior ?
Role of Avastin if any
what cytokines are involved?
level of coagulation factors
what factor V has to to
what about the homocystein?
does vitamin D level affected or induces it?
is it an acute process
is it a long standing transformation due to or inducing cytokine release (can we capture the moment?)
what about the the role of the HIF gene? the MTOR, CRE and the Adenyl Cyclase
what is the exact role of VEGF (or the various VEGF)
what is the role of the endothelial genes/integrins/what A4Beta.
what is the level of metalloproteases before and at rupture
stress on the Cateins
can the FGF-1 tell us a thing
what is the PDGFR reaction
secretion of platelet during clotting at blood vessel
what is happening in the endothelial cells, what can preclude the secondary incident that happens within a year
is the therapeutic response adequate
does Aspirin good as an universal response (based on impact on the c-jun--c-fos taken indiviual or by ratio)
what is the c-fos and c-jun behavior ?
Role of Avastin if any
what cytokines are involved?
level of coagulation factors
what factor V has to to
what about the homocystein?
does vitamin D level affected or induces it?
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
And Researchers have done the work
And as we have suggested, down the belly of the beast, the dance was uncovered...and for triple negative breast cancer, we now know that the main event is the surge in prolactin which is aimed at stimulating breast development but secondarily promote Casein genes. And we have described Casein genes as they lead to random phosphorylation of other genes.
One model shows Casein phosphorylation of CHEK1 which in turn phosphorylates CDC25 inhibiting it for removing the Phosphate brought by wee1 to stop Mitosis promotion. Putting this as a control of mitosis (but not hyperplasia) in the breast.
Explaining how my achondroplastic woman developed breast cancer became a little easier since Achondroplasia is 99 percent due to FGFR gene abnormalities, and that FGFR interacts with FGF1 which in turn interacts directly with the Casein Kinase 2, and within the presence of BRCA1, Achondroplasia will lead to cdc25 within million seconds!
It is nice to note that Achondroplasia is the thing about not only disturbance of connective tissue through the FGFR3 but also associated calcium distribution (as it occurs on mammogram for breast cancer diagnosis), may be through activity of the SYT-1, or is it S100A.
Note the action of FGF1 on CSNKs!
One model shows Casein phosphorylation of CHEK1 which in turn phosphorylates CDC25 inhibiting it for removing the Phosphate brought by wee1 to stop Mitosis promotion. Putting this as a control of mitosis (but not hyperplasia) in the breast.
Explaining how my achondroplastic woman developed breast cancer became a little easier since Achondroplasia is 99 percent due to FGFR gene abnormalities, and that FGFR interacts with FGF1 which in turn interacts directly with the Casein Kinase 2, and within the presence of BRCA1, Achondroplasia will lead to cdc25 within million seconds!
It is nice to note that Achondroplasia is the thing about not only disturbance of connective tissue through the FGFR3 but also associated calcium distribution (as it occurs on mammogram for breast cancer diagnosis), may be through activity of the SYT-1, or is it S100A.
Note the action of FGF1 on CSNKs!
Monday, March 17, 2014
An interesting Target: The Cullins
" the F-box protein p45(SKP2) is required for S phase and forms stable
complexes with p19(SKP1) and cyclin A-cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)2." Lisztwan et al...he went on to say:"CUL-1, a member of the cullin family, and the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme CDC34 as additional partners of p45(SKP2) in vivo."
BY AFFECTING E2 OR E3 FUNCTION, THE CULLING MAY AFFECT ANY PROTEIN DEGRADATION THAT COULD EXTEND TO THE CYTOKINES AND CYCLINS! "This implies that most cullins may use a SKP1/F-box-independent pathway to facilitate protein degradation."
Cullin 4 is said to cause " G1 cell cycle arrest and an increased protein level of the CDK inhibitor Dacapo." and said "E ligase"
BY AFFECTING E2 OR E3 FUNCTION, THE CULLING MAY AFFECT ANY PROTEIN DEGRADATION THAT COULD EXTEND TO THE CYTOKINES AND CYCLINS! "This implies that most cullins may use a SKP1/F-box-independent pathway to facilitate protein degradation."
Cullin 4 is said to cause " G1 cell cycle arrest and an increased protein level of the CDK inhibitor Dacapo." and said "E ligase"
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Activity at CRBCM
As we plan another Visit to the Indianapolis Area this week-end the CRBCM has rapidly grown to meet an accelerating demand of immediate patient care and other positive administration requirements. So much so that genetic work had suffered some delays. But gene work is where the future is, and where our soul rest. So do not be surprised that we shall comeback with a vengeance and progress.
The SBIR/NCI is currently reviewing one of the proposal submitted by CRBCM, and in this world of thousand hypotheses, catch the eyes of investigators is already a victory for CRBCM.
In the clinic, we continue to meet interesting new cases as we move deliberately with formulation of new Hypotheses. This week, a 42 year hispanic achondroplastic (malformation) woman presented with bilateral breast cancer. It is true that this case is the type that beg for gene evaluation first as to the presence of BRCA 1&2 because of her age and bilateral mastectomy needs. How to raise issue of need of bilateral Oophorectomy for Breast-Ovarian cancer possibility, and potential interactions between the Achondroplastic gene and the BRCAs. And how the Achondroplastic gene is linked to VEGF, how to bring in Avastin and the MTOR inhibitor eventually. Her cancer is early and she is currently on Letrozole for adjuvant therapy. But how to gear ourselves for an eventual progression. How the breast cancer biomarkers will behave in this case and how to best follow her, are unique questions. Is the RELA gene involved? These are unique questions making our current practice below what it should be in terms of current insurance limitations in terms of testing. The future will be better. Yes I could test BRCAs but the Achondroplastic gene relation with BRCA is out of Boundaries even though it could point to interesting driver Mutation genes that would have benefited this lady! Is targeting the MEK a potential benefit in case progression to Metastasis occurred? These are unanswered questions that may remain so under the current insurance pressures!
New challenges have also presented themselves as a 62 year old hispanic man walked in with a severe back pain with evidence of L1 involvement by a mass which turned out to be an Adenocarcinoma with GI features in a patient who was treated just 3 years ago for a locally advanced Prostate cancer. The mass was negative for Alkaline Phosphatase and PSA markers. The Colonoscopy is pending and so is the result of several biomarkers. But the severity of the Back pain and knowledge of the impeding vertebral involvement wisked this man into Radiation's hand as we have yet to determine a final plan. Will it be FOLFOX or a DCF model to include still Taxotere given the recent Prostate cancer fight. Is this still a non hormone progression of prostate cancer despite the pathologist suggestions. And yes a PET is not an option because the patient is uninsured and the family cannot pay for this. Yet they feel he may qualify for a new P53 inhibitor which it will take another month to check if this is the driver mutation (can we ? is such a test necessary?). Should we add Avastin in the setting of unknown primary?
These are some of the clinical challenges met a CRBCM, and supputations continue to go on at CRBCM.
Next month we will be in Las Vegas to attend an update in Hematology, we will see what is cooking ....
The SBIR/NCI is currently reviewing one of the proposal submitted by CRBCM, and in this world of thousand hypotheses, catch the eyes of investigators is already a victory for CRBCM.
In the clinic, we continue to meet interesting new cases as we move deliberately with formulation of new Hypotheses. This week, a 42 year hispanic achondroplastic (malformation) woman presented with bilateral breast cancer. It is true that this case is the type that beg for gene evaluation first as to the presence of BRCA 1&2 because of her age and bilateral mastectomy needs. How to raise issue of need of bilateral Oophorectomy for Breast-Ovarian cancer possibility, and potential interactions between the Achondroplastic gene and the BRCAs. And how the Achondroplastic gene is linked to VEGF, how to bring in Avastin and the MTOR inhibitor eventually. Her cancer is early and she is currently on Letrozole for adjuvant therapy. But how to gear ourselves for an eventual progression. How the breast cancer biomarkers will behave in this case and how to best follow her, are unique questions. Is the RELA gene involved? These are unique questions making our current practice below what it should be in terms of current insurance limitations in terms of testing. The future will be better. Yes I could test BRCAs but the Achondroplastic gene relation with BRCA is out of Boundaries even though it could point to interesting driver Mutation genes that would have benefited this lady! Is targeting the MEK a potential benefit in case progression to Metastasis occurred? These are unanswered questions that may remain so under the current insurance pressures!
New challenges have also presented themselves as a 62 year old hispanic man walked in with a severe back pain with evidence of L1 involvement by a mass which turned out to be an Adenocarcinoma with GI features in a patient who was treated just 3 years ago for a locally advanced Prostate cancer. The mass was negative for Alkaline Phosphatase and PSA markers. The Colonoscopy is pending and so is the result of several biomarkers. But the severity of the Back pain and knowledge of the impeding vertebral involvement wisked this man into Radiation's hand as we have yet to determine a final plan. Will it be FOLFOX or a DCF model to include still Taxotere given the recent Prostate cancer fight. Is this still a non hormone progression of prostate cancer despite the pathologist suggestions. And yes a PET is not an option because the patient is uninsured and the family cannot pay for this. Yet they feel he may qualify for a new P53 inhibitor which it will take another month to check if this is the driver mutation (can we ? is such a test necessary?). Should we add Avastin in the setting of unknown primary?
These are some of the clinical challenges met a CRBCM, and supputations continue to go on at CRBCM.
Next month we will be in Las Vegas to attend an update in Hematology, we will see what is cooking ....
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Questions in Pancreatitis
1.Complications from pancreatitis results when a Cytokine storm complicate the clinical tableau,
which Cytokine?
can we stop the buckling by Early input of Hydrocortisone or Interferon?
2.Does predisposition to Pancreatitis a G protein issue (when exposed to Alcohol or Tobacco?)
3.What is the exact role of PRSS1, CFTR, and SPINK genes, thier contribution to Pancreatitis
4.Most Pancreatitis lead to fibrosis, are genes guiding fibrosis the best monitor of inflammatory resolution,
what are these genes, cytokines, Metalloproteases, Integrins?
5.The dance between PRSS1 and SPINK1 shows the importance of Stoppers or breaker
any activators (PRSS1) needs stoppers/breakers (SPINK1) or regulators in human physiology
(remember the story of Factor V in Coagulation unstoppable cascade!)
6.Is IG4 only valuable in Autoimmune Pancreatitis
7.can you "block" pancreatic enzymes while feeding the patient in acute setting?
which Cytokine?
can we stop the buckling by Early input of Hydrocortisone or Interferon?
2.Does predisposition to Pancreatitis a G protein issue (when exposed to Alcohol or Tobacco?)
3.What is the exact role of PRSS1, CFTR, and SPINK genes, thier contribution to Pancreatitis
4.Most Pancreatitis lead to fibrosis, are genes guiding fibrosis the best monitor of inflammatory resolution,
what are these genes, cytokines, Metalloproteases, Integrins?
5.The dance between PRSS1 and SPINK1 shows the importance of Stoppers or breaker
any activators (PRSS1) needs stoppers/breakers (SPINK1) or regulators in human physiology
(remember the story of Factor V in Coagulation unstoppable cascade!)
6.Is IG4 only valuable in Autoimmune Pancreatitis
7.can you "block" pancreatic enzymes while feeding the patient in acute setting?
Monday, March 10, 2014
CRBCM keeping alive is a battle in a cut throat world!
This email is to inform you that your Attestation for the Medicare
Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program is 'Accepted'.
Attestation Tracking Information
Attestation Confirmation Number: 1000524208
Name: Mutombo Kankonde
NPI: xxxxxxxxx
EHR Certification Number: 30000004H0RCEA0
EHR Reporting Period: 01/01/2013 - 12/31/2013
Program Year: 2013
Attestation Status Date: 03/07/2014
Attestation Tracking Information
Attestation Confirmation Number: 1000524208
Name: Mutombo Kankonde
NPI: xxxxxxxxx
EHR Certification Number: 30000004H0RCEA0
EHR Reporting Period: 01/01/2013 - 12/31/2013
Program Year: 2013
Attestation Status Date: 03/07/2014
don't ask me how we got here,struggle at CRBCM, it is the name of the game!
Sunday, March 9, 2014
speculations in lung cancers
1.TTF-1 and CK 7 held as biomarkers of lung origin, how does MUC 7 compare? does T790M confer resistance to EGFR positive lung cancer
3.what target therapy becomes possible after EGFR resistance,meaning what mechanism of escape is now on to allow now sequential treatment.
is it Afatinib
is it Dabrafenib
please if you find a Mutation that will compromise the result of your therapy, don't challenge it with a known medication to which it is meant to resist. Well because it is there to exercise its muscles and in the process open new avenue.
4.Inhibitor of the anti-MEK appear certainly attractive
but be sure not to use an upstream blocker to affect its effects
and always think inhibitor of MTOR post anti EGFR! the cell relies on this to escape.
eh by the way bothering the CRE always work! does T790M confer resistance to EGFR positive lung cancer
3.what target therapy becomes possible after EGFR resistance,meaning what mechanism of escape is now on to allow now sequential treatment.
is it Afatinib
is it Dabrafenib
please if you find a Mutation that will compromise the result of your therapy, don't challenge it with a known medication to which it is meant to resist. Well because it is there to exercise its muscles and in the process open new avenue.
4.Inhibitor of the anti-MEK appear certainly attractive
but be sure not to use an upstream blocker to affect its effects
and always think inhibitor of MTOR post anti EGFR! the cell relies on this to escape.
eh by the way bothering the CRE always work!
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Progress in leukemias with the CAR-T Cell
Genetically engineered autologous T cell fight blood cell cancers seem to attract attention of researcher lately. these cell work with CD19 and include a viral component. Chimeric Antigen Receptor-T or CAR-T has been reported to represent another ex-vivo preparation of the patient own T-Cell genetically engineered to attack a new cancer cells notoriously resistant such as those of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and Burkitt disease. In the heels of Ibrutinib, this appears to be a major advance in cancer therapy.
Van Zelm et al:
"The CD19 protein forms a complex with CD21, CD81, and CD225 in the membrane of mature B cells. Together with the B-cell antigen receptor, this complex signals the B cell to decrease its threshold for activation by the antigen."
In a way disruption of CD19, may also lead to trouble in this complex formation.
previous investigations had suggested that disruption at CD80, 81 could be used in Ovarian cancer treatment. Therefore such a complex could be important indeed as more technologies are being developed. These new developments are strengthening the Immunologic option in both solid and hematologic cancers.
Other function of CD19
Watanabe et al:
"CD19 serves as a positive B-cell response regulator that defines signaling thresholds critical for B-cell responses."
Chen et al:
" Conditional deletion of Foxo1 in B cells resulted in an increased percentage of marginal zone B cells and a decrease in follicular B cells. In addition, Foxo1 deficiency corrected the absence of marginal zone B cells that occurs in CD19-deficient mice. These findings show that Foxo1 regulates the balance of mature B cell subsets and is required for the marginal zone B-cell deficiency phenotype of mice lacking CD19."
This further point to the strength of CD19, that is despite the fact that it has a role in a complex to orient cellular functions, it also lead to malformation as it determine what scientist call morphologically a "Marginal zone". Any gene affecting structure shape has been one of our criteria for importance. And clearly, immunologic deficiencies are characterized by congenital malformations.
May be this CAR-T will actually have the most effect here the Marginal Zone!
Van Zelm et al:
"The CD19 protein forms a complex with CD21, CD81, and CD225 in the membrane of mature B cells. Together with the B-cell antigen receptor, this complex signals the B cell to decrease its threshold for activation by the antigen."
In a way disruption of CD19, may also lead to trouble in this complex formation.
previous investigations had suggested that disruption at CD80, 81 could be used in Ovarian cancer treatment. Therefore such a complex could be important indeed as more technologies are being developed. These new developments are strengthening the Immunologic option in both solid and hematologic cancers.
Other function of CD19
Watanabe et al:
"CD19 serves as a positive B-cell response regulator that defines signaling thresholds critical for B-cell responses."
Chen et al:
" Conditional deletion of Foxo1 in B cells resulted in an increased percentage of marginal zone B cells and a decrease in follicular B cells. In addition, Foxo1 deficiency corrected the absence of marginal zone B cells that occurs in CD19-deficient mice. These findings show that Foxo1 regulates the balance of mature B cell subsets and is required for the marginal zone B-cell deficiency phenotype of mice lacking CD19."
This further point to the strength of CD19, that is despite the fact that it has a role in a complex to orient cellular functions, it also lead to malformation as it determine what scientist call morphologically a "Marginal zone". Any gene affecting structure shape has been one of our criteria for importance. And clearly, immunologic deficiencies are characterized by congenital malformations.
May be this CAR-T will actually have the most effect here the Marginal Zone!
patient’s own T-cells are extracted and genetically engineered ex vivo
to target the CD19 antigen present on cancer cells; a viral vector is
inserted, and the cells are reinfused into the patient via a single
infusion where they are designed to expand and attack cancer cells like a
“smart bomb.” Currently, it takes approximately 10 days to engineer the
“It looks like the disease has disappeared after a single infusion of these engineered T-cells,” reported James N. Kochenderfer, MD, from the Experimental Transplantation and Immunology Branch of the National Cancer Institute (NCI).
- See more at:
“It looks like the disease has disappeared after a single infusion of these engineered T-cells,” reported James N. Kochenderfer, MD, from the Experimental Transplantation and Immunology Branch of the National Cancer Institute (NCI).
- See more at:
patient’s own T-cells are extracted and genetically engineered ex vivo
to target the CD19 antigen present on cancer cells; a viral vector is
inserted, and the cells are reinfused into the patient via a single
infusion where they are designed to expand and attack cancer cells like a
“smart bomb.” Currently, it takes approximately 10 days to engineer the
“It looks like the disease has disappeared after a single infusion of these engineered T-cells,” reported James N. Kochenderfer, MD, from the Experimental Transplantation and Immunology Branch of the National Cancer Institute (NCI).
- See more at:
“It looks like the disease has disappeared after a single infusion of these engineered T-cells,” reported James N. Kochenderfer, MD, from the Experimental Transplantation and Immunology Branch of the National Cancer Institute (NCI).
- See more at:
Friday, March 7, 2014
Authors working quickly on the TRB3, a center gene for rapid understanding!
Homocystein can block cell proliferation by upregulating p27 which reportedly increases phosphorylation of AKT.Phosphorylation of the AKT also happens with upregulation by Homocystein of TRB3, however the consequential effect of TRB3 upregulation leads to Endoplasmic Reticulum stress (Zou et al). It is unclear that when TRB3 is busy intervening in the cell proliferation blockage, it also effectively causes the stress mentioned above. We know that homocystein induced hypercoagulation, ?does reticulum induces stress at the center of Atheroma deposit in blood vessel? putting TRIB3 blockage at the center of events?'Homocysteine-induced TRB3 expression was mediated by the cAMP/cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) pathway." per Zou.
giving 3 ways to affect
1.suppression of TRIB directly by gene interference
or by troubling the CREB as noted by Zou et al.
2.blocking phosphorylation of the AKT
3.blocking p27
4.Zhang et al "However, expression of p-AKT protein increased when TRB3 was inhibited by TRB3 shRNA inhibition." proving blocking RNA could prove effective in preventing Atheroma and cell proliferation through homocystein effect
This TRB3 does not stop there!
Cravero et al:"TRB3, a tribbles homolog, has been shown to inhibit IGF-1-mediated activation of Akt in HEK 293 cells. This study was undertaken to determine if TRB3 is expressed in chondrocytes, and whether the chondrocyte response to IGF-1 is reduced by TRB3."
By targeting or acting with the "terrible" IGF1, TRB3 is in the nix of pathologies
its interactions with the NOTCH and CSNK2B are under close review....
how this TRB3 associate with TIAF1 and RELA
well will see as this story unfolds
What is the TRB3 behavior in the Cordon? and how this may affect the stem cells?
giving 3 ways to affect
1.suppression of TRIB directly by gene interference
or by troubling the CREB as noted by Zou et al.
2.blocking phosphorylation of the AKT
3.blocking p27
4.Zhang et al "However, expression of p-AKT protein increased when TRB3 was inhibited by TRB3 shRNA inhibition." proving blocking RNA could prove effective in preventing Atheroma and cell proliferation through homocystein effect
This TRB3 does not stop there!
Cravero et al:"TRB3, a tribbles homolog, has been shown to inhibit IGF-1-mediated activation of Akt in HEK 293 cells. This study was undertaken to determine if TRB3 is expressed in chondrocytes, and whether the chondrocyte response to IGF-1 is reduced by TRB3."
By targeting or acting with the "terrible" IGF1, TRB3 is in the nix of pathologies
its interactions with the NOTCH and CSNK2B are under close review....
how this TRB3 associate with TIAF1 and RELA
well will see as this story unfolds
What is the TRB3 behavior in the Cordon? and how this may affect the stem cells?
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Still at work, the CRBCM...
It is conceptually correct that main events such as Heart attack or strokes be preceded by an outburst
or an overall increase of either an hormone or a burst of Cytokine (s). This is a critical event because this information may help with prevention. Best place to look at this time is into vascular or platelet receptors. It is also true that lipid receptors must be included in the model to include activity at the Thrombus. Another interesting component to this fact is that there are other events that follow the primary ischemic events that can be fatal. Ie, the high risk of a stroke after another stroke within the following period past a primary stroke. How to prevent the secondary event now that we have had one appears to be critical.... The CRBCM is on the task...reviewing some Cytokines/Hormone receptors and their related genes!
or an overall increase of either an hormone or a burst of Cytokine (s). This is a critical event because this information may help with prevention. Best place to look at this time is into vascular or platelet receptors. It is also true that lipid receptors must be included in the model to include activity at the Thrombus. Another interesting component to this fact is that there are other events that follow the primary ischemic events that can be fatal. Ie, the high risk of a stroke after another stroke within the following period past a primary stroke. How to prevent the secondary event now that we have had one appears to be critical.... The CRBCM is on the task...reviewing some Cytokines/Hormone receptors and their related genes!
Questions in limited Area of knowledge, focus on Vitamin D
1.Does intake of high dose Vitamin D decrease sensitivity to Androgen
Meaning Could it help in Prostate cancer Prevention
2.could dimerization to Retinoid X receptor be a self limiting event enough to preclude toxicity and limit activity of High dose Vit D.
3.Should patient being treated with Promyelocytic Leukemeia be precluded from taking Vit D since it interacts with both ZBRB16 and the Retinoid X receptor
4.Is over expression of STAT1,RACK1 enough of biomarkers for Interferon Activity
and could Vitamin D increases activity of Interferon when given sequencially? Vit D given for 1 to 2 weeks before starting Interferon to stimulate the epigenetic terrain!
5.Should women with STAT1 Breast cancer over expression avoid or take Vit D after remission
could intake of Vitamin D impact BRCA1 expression? Could Vitamin D precipitate or slowdown Breast cancer occurrence in patients known to have BRCA 1 positivity (could it be preventative ?)
6. key words by Researchers:
-Zhao et al: " We show that Bim is a direct target of E2F1 and that HDAC inhibition promotes the recruitment of E2F1 to the Bim promoter." as they explained HDAC inhibitor's apoptosis...
-What P73 a biomarker of? Activity of P53, resistance to P53 inhibitor, or it is time to use a E2F1 inhibitor?
-Kitagawa et al:"Nutlin-3 is a selective inhibitor of the p53-Mdm2 interaction, and inhibits growth in most tumor cells with wild-type p53."
7.Can increase in IgM predict lymphoma recurrence?
8.Can P73, CD154,RNF128 mark recurrence of cancers?
Meaning Could it help in Prostate cancer Prevention
2.could dimerization to Retinoid X receptor be a self limiting event enough to preclude toxicity and limit activity of High dose Vit D.
3.Should patient being treated with Promyelocytic Leukemeia be precluded from taking Vit D since it interacts with both ZBRB16 and the Retinoid X receptor
4.Is over expression of STAT1,RACK1 enough of biomarkers for Interferon Activity
and could Vitamin D increases activity of Interferon when given sequencially? Vit D given for 1 to 2 weeks before starting Interferon to stimulate the epigenetic terrain!
5.Should women with STAT1 Breast cancer over expression avoid or take Vit D after remission
could intake of Vitamin D impact BRCA1 expression? Could Vitamin D precipitate or slowdown Breast cancer occurrence in patients known to have BRCA 1 positivity (could it be preventative ?)
6. key words by Researchers:
-Zhao et al: " We show that Bim is a direct target of E2F1 and that HDAC inhibition promotes the recruitment of E2F1 to the Bim promoter." as they explained HDAC inhibitor's apoptosis...
-What P73 a biomarker of? Activity of P53, resistance to P53 inhibitor, or it is time to use a E2F1 inhibitor?
-Kitagawa et al:"Nutlin-3 is a selective inhibitor of the p53-Mdm2 interaction, and inhibits growth in most tumor cells with wild-type p53."
7.Can increase in IgM predict lymphoma recurrence?
8.Can P73, CD154,RNF128 mark recurrence of cancers?
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Activities at CRBCM
1.We have been busy, extremely so....
new patients in the work
1. Patient with Polycystic Kidney, Hypertension, we need his genes to see what is the most effective treatment, ACE inhibitors advised is to be taken with a grain of salt
Indeed they are hard to administer in a patient who has anxiety and undefined recurrent vomiting fully worked up by 2-3 Gastroenterologist. The patient vomiting with rising creatinine, the first thing the Nephrologist does is to stop the ACE inhibitor!
2.We are still on the move in El Paso:
"Hi Dr. Kankonde,
And Medical Assistants from Vista College tagging along to continue to learn how a complex practice works!
3. We are fascinated by our case of Endodermal Rabdomyosarcoma.
A 19 year old nice young man presented with a 7.5 cm Right Testicular mass of endodermal Rabdo. which eventually was resected, a PET scan revealed small uptake in the R groin and some in the lumbar region
MRI in this area revealed an Hemangioma in the Vertebrae.
The uptake in the R groin could be reactive small nodes, no other findings,
adjuvant chemotherapy is being given following Ewing Sarcoma protocol
and patient is on the 3rd cycle of Alternating chemotherapy drug. People in Boston offered 17 chemotherapy cycles to achieve a 80% control of disease, some offered chemotherapy for 2 years,
weigh in if you have different opinion. Folks in Radiation are still scratching their heads! When or if to give Radiation? You have an opinion, call 915-307-3354
915-307-3354, I want to hear your input!
At CRBCM, we are still after the genes involved in this disease!
4.We submitted a SBIR project in time and folks at NIH have contacted us for additional input, meaning we are still in play! The CRBCM is proud of this first step despite the fact that we remain optimistic, our feet are still on the ground. As a young enterprise, the CRBCM remains alert. Our submission with CPRIT, well it did not work!
"Dear Applicant,
CPRIT has considered your request for an extension of the submission deadline to complete your CPRIT Prevention Program application. This request was not approved.
You may consider submitting an application the next time this mechanism is offered. Thank you for your interest in CPRIT’s Prevention Program.
Talking about about a new CPRIT, tough guys over there, with a deadly portal making the submission a tough proposition for the little guy! Our proposal remains intact, Breast cancer Mortality is continuing while this is happening! Obstacles to improving the cure comes in all kinds of shapes! Be on the lookout folks! The CRBCM continues on its progress because we believe in the mission...
5. Participation in the Muscle Dystrophy activity this week, well that's just another challenge...! But be aware of this... and contribute!
THE CRBCM is still on the move....
new patients in the work
1. Patient with Polycystic Kidney, Hypertension, we need his genes to see what is the most effective treatment, ACE inhibitors advised is to be taken with a grain of salt
Indeed they are hard to administer in a patient who has anxiety and undefined recurrent vomiting fully worked up by 2-3 Gastroenterologist. The patient vomiting with rising creatinine, the first thing the Nephrologist does is to stop the ACE inhibitor!
2.We are still on the move in El Paso:
"Hi Dr. Kankonde,
I have everything booked for your assignment starting March 5th."
On a new contract, CRBCM continue its work! And Medical Assistants from Vista College tagging along to continue to learn how a complex practice works!
3. We are fascinated by our case of Endodermal Rabdomyosarcoma.
A 19 year old nice young man presented with a 7.5 cm Right Testicular mass of endodermal Rabdo. which eventually was resected, a PET scan revealed small uptake in the R groin and some in the lumbar region
MRI in this area revealed an Hemangioma in the Vertebrae.
The uptake in the R groin could be reactive small nodes, no other findings,
adjuvant chemotherapy is being given following Ewing Sarcoma protocol
and patient is on the 3rd cycle of Alternating chemotherapy drug. People in Boston offered 17 chemotherapy cycles to achieve a 80% control of disease, some offered chemotherapy for 2 years,
weigh in if you have different opinion. Folks in Radiation are still scratching their heads! When or if to give Radiation? You have an opinion, call 915-307-3354

At CRBCM, we are still after the genes involved in this disease!
4.We submitted a SBIR project in time and folks at NIH have contacted us for additional input, meaning we are still in play! The CRBCM is proud of this first step despite the fact that we remain optimistic, our feet are still on the ground. As a young enterprise, the CRBCM remains alert. Our submission with CPRIT, well it did not work!
"Dear Applicant,
CPRIT has considered your request for an extension of the submission deadline to complete your CPRIT Prevention Program application. This request was not approved.
You may consider submitting an application the next time this mechanism is offered. Thank you for your interest in CPRIT’s Prevention Program.
Talking about about a new CPRIT, tough guys over there, with a deadly portal making the submission a tough proposition for the little guy! Our proposal remains intact, Breast cancer Mortality is continuing while this is happening! Obstacles to improving the cure comes in all kinds of shapes! Be on the lookout folks! The CRBCM continues on its progress because we believe in the mission...
5. Participation in the Muscle Dystrophy activity this week, well that's just another challenge...! But be aware of this... and contribute!
THE CRBCM is still on the move....
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