there no parallel in progress in medicine
but constitution of a cytokine bank will have the most benefit both financially and medically without precedent! Its touch will be wide, unprecedent and a marvel in science. With genetic know how of current days, an amplification of minimally present cytokine could have unpredictable effect. A cytokine storm kill the host, there is no increment or change in our cells that is more likely cytokine driven, it leads to scar and every major complicated syndrome includes somewhere cytokine release or activity. From PTSD to diarrhea, from treatment of cancers (IL-2 for renal cell cancer including the rare cures in this disease come from IL-2), from lung fibrosis to why CD4 drops in HIV, you name you got it in medicine, from being young to becoming old, all phenomena are affected by Cytokines. We know this and the cytokines know they exist, but we keep our heads in the sand. But I know this, medicine of the next century will be made by how much a condition needs in term of cytokine to be treated.
We got to start a cytokine Bank Now!
- Immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily, which are ubiquitously present throughout several cells and tissues of the vertebrate body, and share structural homology with immunoglobulins (antibodies), cell adhesion molecules, and even some cytokines. Examples: IL-1 receptor types.
- Hemopoietic Growth Factor (type 1) family, whose members have certain conserved motifs in their extracellular amino-acid domain. The IL-2 receptor belongs to this chain, whose γ-chain (common to several other cytokines) deficiency is directly responsible for the x-linked form of Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (X-SCID).
- Interferon (type 2) family, whose members are receptors for IFN β and γ.
- Tumor necrosis factors (TNF) (type 3) family, whose members share a cysteine-rich common extracellular binding domain, and includes several other non-cytokine ligands like CD40, CD27 and CD30, besides the ligands on which the family is named (TNF).
- Seven transmembrane helix family, the ubiquitous receptor type of the animal kingdom. All G protein-coupled receptors (for hormones and neurotransmitters) belong to this family. Chemokine receptors, two of which act as binding proteins for HIV (CD4 and CCR5), also belong to this family.[citation needed]
- Interleukin-17 receptor (IL-17R) family, which shows little homology with any other cytokine receptor family. Structural motifs conserved between members of this family include: an extracellular fibronectin III-like domain, a transmembrane domain and a cytoplasmic SERIF domain. The known members of this family are as follows: IL-17RA, IL-17RB, IL-17RC, IL17RD and IL-17RE.[12]
- Interleukin-12 (IL-12), secreted by macrophages and act on TH0 (T-helper cell 0) and convert into TH1 (T-helper cell 1)which produce IFN γ. IFN γ activates macrophages, thus starting cell mediated immune response."
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