Tuesday, August 26, 2014

And life goes on

Dear Mutombo Kankonde,
Congratulations! Your application to host TEDMED Live has been accepted! We are able to offer you this opportunity through our partnership with American Medical Association. Please make a note of the following:
Your Organization Name: Coalition for the Reversal of Breast Cancer Mortality in African American Women
Your Affiliate Name: TEDMEDLive Coalition for the Reversal of Breast Cancer Mortality in African American Women
Your Affiliate ID: L53193
You will use these credentials to identify your location and access the live simulcast available September 10-12 and the on demand content available September 10-16
Please add emails ending in @tedmed.com to your “safe senders” list to ensure you receive important messages about your TEDMED Live event.
In addition, it is important that you review and adhere to the TEDMED Live Guidelines.  These guidelines are new to 2014, so even if you have participated in TEDMED Live before, it is important to be aware of these guidelines.
We are conducting two live streaming tests to simulate the real-time video feed exactly as it will be delivered to you during the days of the event. Please make sure to mark your calendars and participate in both mandatory tests so that you are confident that your connection will run smoothly when we go live.

TEST #1: 
Tuesday, August 26, 12 AM to 11:59 PM, EST.
 (24 hours to access)

TEST #2:
 Tuesday, September 9, 9-11 AM and 4-6 PM, EST. 
(Two 2-hour options)

For the tests, all you will need to do is go to www.tedmedlive.org from the device and location you will be holding your gathering and login using your Affiliate ID Code.
To ensure your TEDMED Live experience is engaging and memorable, please consider the following suggestions:
Download this year’s schedule here. TEDMED Live is available on demand, so you can choose convenient time(s) for your community to tune in and reserve a place for your gathering.
Think and promote broadly. Download your customizable poster and quarter cards here. We encourage you to distribute widely to create buzz around your gathering. Everyone’s perspective is important, so we encourage you to share the experience with everyone you know – invite your family, friends, peers, and colleagues around the world to join you!
Get a community kick-start. Join our Facebook Group here. Get to know fellow TEDMED Live community members, check out helpful tips and tools and share before, during, and following your experience.
Create an engaging experience. Explore this year’s speakers and session themes to inspire networking, collaboration and furthering of ideas you hear from the TEDMED stage. We suggest that you invite key community members to lead discussions during the breaks.
Get your cameras and social storytellers ready. We want your story to be heard! Be sure to capture your experience in image and word, share it with our greater community and see what your fellow Affiliates are doing via TwitterFacebookGoogle+, Tumblr, and our TEDMED App (available closer to date).
Stay up-to-date by following @TEDMED on Twitter and checking out the TEDMED blog.
We will send you emails with more information from time to time.  If you need to contact us in the meantime, please do so via email at tedmedlive@tedmed.com.
The TEDMED Live Admissions Team

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