It is really true that we keep we keep emphasizing that in Diabetes Mellitus sugar cannot be allowed in the cell, and that without the sugar in the cell the intra-cellular milieu will use fat (which is Acid) to make energy molecules. There is in the diabetic body cells a build up of Acid within the cell that why we nee the Insulin to open the door to sugar into the cell to decrease the Use of Fatty Acid for energy production.
As sugar we ingest reaches the blood, It becomes unable to go into the cells where it is needed for Energy (ATP) production because Insulin is missing to open cellular doors. The sugar quickly build-up in our. at the And you know something has got to give. Well at the kidney level, the kidney can only keep so much sugar inside us, at one point the flood gates open, and our kidney let go the sugar though its gates because the sugar rise to intolerable levels. And with the sugar goes WATER...WATER.
Diabetes (going through) was not about sugar, it was about Water going through! And we keep loosing that part of the story! Water-Water Water is really really important. With less water we lose the tone of of the blood vessel and with less tone in our blood vessel, small blood vessels close and the Organ where this happens suffer dearly. In your eyes, injury occur you can go blind! In your nerves, loss of tone of blood vessel feeding the nerve itself, leads to Neuropathy. Yes drinking plenty as a diabetic will lead to increased Urination, an inconvenience, but remember life of your Organs depend on it as long as you keep sugar under control (with Medications if need be!)
Remember what protect the kidney is a well known medication called Lisinopril (ACE Inhibitor) which by reducing the TONE in the Kidney blood vessel, let Water come through to flush them! Water good for you all around!
It is sad that we do not monitor this as closely (tight) as we should in modern medical practice!
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