Friday, October 4, 2013


*Breast cancer remains the most frequent cancer in women
the 5 year survival has improved however from 75% to the 90%  over the last 30 Years
mostly for early disease because of early detection and better adjuvant therapies!

Metastatic breast cancers remains however incurable (Jennifer Klem et al)

4 types:
Luminal A mostly ER and PR positive (Hormone rich) with low Ki-67
Luminal B (Her-2 negative by ER/PR positive with high Ki-67
Luminal B (Her-2 positive and ER/PR positive with random Ki-67
Basal like which is triple negative
HER-2 positive

Hormone positive treated with Endocrine therapy
Hormone negative treated with Chemotherapy

Combination therapy in patient losing performance status, and Visceral involvement and heavy tumor burden.
For Her-2 positive - Taxol-Herceptin would be an option (Her positive means 3+ on IHC or Fish >2.2 amplification(ASCO),  T-DM1 and perjeta could add to the Herceptin option   while,
for ER/PR positive-addition of everolimus could add to hormone therapy"

"Everolimus Gains FDA Approval for Metastatic Breast Cancer"

Afinitor may be given with exemestane for hormone receptor-positive, HER2 negative disease
August 1, 2012
Written By Nicole Katze, MA, Writer and Editorial Coordinator
Reviewed By Robert A. Somer, MD"

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