Thursday, January 16, 2014

In triple negative breast cancer, so many things can go wrong!

One of the thing that goes wrong in triple negative breast cancer is that up to 40% of these cancer are BRCA mutation positive.  Decrease in BRCA activity because of Mutation is followed by amplification of ELK1 which in turn engages the Serum Response Element (SRE), a devilish gene that engage among other gene the TEAD1 which affects MAX and the C-MYC, and the MSH2 and all breaks loose.  Just by amplifying activity or the SER, the RELA gets excited and breast cancer of the aggressive kind develops  quickly.   It is not just Apoptosis that is reduced but the level of dedifferentiation in cellular development open doors to therapeutic options of new kinds that have been insufficiently explored, making the job at CRBCM even more undertaking, we have yet to sleep!  looking at P38,JNK,ERK,ELK1, Sap1, HSP27, CRE and SRF as potential targets!
And what with Mutations at the ATF1 and CREBBP...and the cogitations go on!

Increase in ELK1 activates MEK and ? well let's keep going...

And who would have guest that C-fos would be an important Biomarker?  got me totally fooled!

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