Certainly we know that a number of diseases could be prevented by stopping a number of mechanisms at the epigenetic level, we know that certain genes are very active at this levels such the Dnmt1, but also
HAT, HDAC, Histone H3 lys9 methyltranferase. These genes could lead us to make certain conclusions on the state of the epigenetic zone. Globally we understand that Hypomethylation is good for you because it is a state of non silenced genes, and for tumor repressors, it means a state of activity suppressing neoplastic transformation...And of course hypermethylation will silence these genes and lead to inactivity of tumor suppressor genes and most likely to overstimulation of cancer inducing genes. This of course explains the effectiveness of drug such as Vidaza (in MDS). At the zone, there is Methylation or Hypomethylation but this to occur Histone activity has to occur to allow it to happen for those genes that are covered...
Many steps remain to be clarified
but it is now established that Dnmt1-3: maintenance of Methyl transferase and therefore favors methylation. That aging is associated with increased detectable methylation. Length of the Telomeres may be associated with activity at this epigenetic level, and that Methylation of important genes may leed to dementia (see RTT syndrome and schizophrenia) and methylation of important genes such has the Reelin gene
with impact on DAB1, GSK3B, NUDEL, TBR1 and of course Tau and CDK5.(PER WIKIPEDIA) (and there comes the trouble of PTSD)
There is a global increase in Cytokines particularly IL4 which :"IL-4 also has been shown to drive mitogenesis, dedifferentiation, and metastasis in rhabdomyosarcoma.[10]" wikipedia
And there comes the consequences....
Genes to watch summarized by our friends at wikipidea
SUV39H1 has been shown to interact with HDAC9,[3] HDAC1,[4] Histone deacetylase 2,[4] Retinoblastoma protein,[5][6] CBX5,[3][7][8] HDAC3,[4] DNMT3A,[9] MBD1,[7] RUNX1,[10] SBF1[11] and CBX1.[1]"
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