CPRIT has been notified by Governor
Perry, Lt. Governor Dewhurst and
Speaker Straus that the moratorium
on CPRIT’s grant award processes
has been lifted.
Over the last ten months CPRIT has
taken purposeful strides to strengthen
agency governance and restore trust
in its commitment to the fight against
cancer in Texas. CPRIT appreciates
the confidence state leadership has
in the agency’s efforts – this action
marks a critical milestone for CPRIT.
We have been working hard in preparation
for this moment and are ready to move
forward with deliberate purpose,
accountability and transparency to
serve all Texans.
Staff will contact CPRIT grantees
affected by the moratorium to provide
additional information and next steps
per this announcement. On
November 1,
2013, the CPRIT Oversight Committee
will discuss restarting all of CPRIT’s review
processes including resuming review of
applications that have been submitted
and the release of new requests for