*The notion that Interferon kills virus some time by stimulating a Ribonuclease which then destroy all RNA that sustain the life of that virus, has left me thinking. Why don't we master this. By excluding us from funding, why don't you do it then. Yes here it is published that interferon can do this. Cure is here, let use this!
*SEQUESTRATION has cut 85 billions across the board
deeply cut cancer research funding, and reduced the budget of critical agencies engaged in the advancement of the cure, and has reduced access to care for Medicare and Medicaid patients. I told the reason we do not reach the cure is man made. The political games have deep implications in day to day life of people, and cancer is laughing all the way to the bank! If we have seen progress in cancer cure, these advances will be jeopardized or will be difficult to implement without financial support. We are close but undercutting ourselves and for what? It is an amazing thing to see it on and on, people dying for an idea which soon or later prove to be false! These cut are being driven by a political climate. where are the true thinkers who will not cut and run from social challenges.
*In a second review recently reported, Abiraterone, a CYP17 inhibitor that block Androgen biosynthesis, continued to show survival advantage in patient with metastatic castrate-resistant Prostate Cancers. This benefit was seem in patients who had not have chemotherapy, moving Abiraterone in front of chemotherapy as an option for patients described above! the trial from which these observation was made, was an international trial (COU-AA-302). Abiraterone was reported to decrease death risk by 20% at least!
*It is fair to say that given what we know today, oncologists who offered Gemzar alone to patients with Metastatic Pancreatic cancers have some explaining to do. Today, GEMZAR (1000mg/m2) and Abraxane (125mg/m2) appears to be better then Gemzar alone. The paradigm has shifted.
This combination will need to be comapared with Folfoxiri which has taken the lead in Metastatic Pancreatic cancer but has been received has a burning hot potato by the Oncology community because of its side effect profile. GEMZAR -Tarceva will also have to face the music!
REGORAFENIB recently approved for refractory Metastatic Colon cancer, has now been approved for GIST that is also refractory! It is a tough little drug fighting hard when the going get tough, it keeps on giving!
watch out though, 1% of patients may get bad side effects(liver damage, hand-foot syndrome,and bleeding!).
*Multiple myeloma is seen an increase in options
Among the Immunomodulators, after Thalidomid and Revlimid, has come the POmalidomide
Among the Proteasome inhibitors, after Velcade come Carfilzomib and now Oprozomib & Ixazomib.
*Don't forget in Gastric cancer, check out Ramucirumab! (Always bring up Immunotherapy in difficult cases that have failed several therapies and you will look sharp!)
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