What makes a gene critical for targeting is not only that it is clearly established as a driver gene of which Mutation is clearly a critical determinant in the pathogenesis of a particular cancer, but also that its inhibition can ultimately cause the cancer to choose the road to program cell death. For cancer to choose Apoptosis,
the cancerous cell has to find no way of escaping, adapting, or otherwise survive with the challenge inflicted.
Apoptosis can be induced directly when Death receptors (FAS,BAX) are stimulated, or through pathways ultimately blocking growth factor stimulation. When the cell sees its adaptation mechanism blocked (NF-kB) blocked or severe block to its Nuclear structure. So basically, there are several ways to cell Death. Apoptosis, Necrosis, Anoikis etc. are just some cell death mechanisms. Our Task is to unveil these death pathways in the cell.
This is easier said than done! Cells are made to survive and Adapt, assuring longevity. The cell will use Decoys to hide death receptors, it will use Loopholes to detract pathways to death, it will use build in protein MDR (Multiple drug resistance) proteins which are already existing in certain tissue cells, or it will adapt to new conditions by unveiling new potential genes (Mutations) such as in Sickle cell Anemia. Or it will escape the local condition if the "abnormal" stimuli is localized. Wherever it stays, it will make its own grown factor to help its survival!
Important genes are those that belong to a critical family of genes, that sits at the Junction of pathways, that drive a pathway critical in cell live, that is a link to other pathways, that is induced by Receptor or otherwise are part of such receptor, that are activator of pathways or are transcription factors or open the door to Apoptosis directly or indirectly.
We would like to propose to you 10 such genes that interfer with the FYN gene, one of the "crazy gene"!
Gene 1. AP-1 gene
It regulates gene expression in response to a
variety of stimuli, including cytokines, growth factors, stress, and
bacterial and viral infections. This is a critical gene in the management of response to these agents, "
heterodimeric protein composed of proteins belonging to the c-Fos, c-Jun, ATF and JDP families. It regulates gene expression in response to a variety of stimuli, including cytokines, growth factors, stress, and bacterial and viral infections." you block this gene, the cell can't handle new stress!
Gene2 KHDRBS1.
'KH domain-containing, RNA-binding, signal transduction-associated protein 1 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the KHDRBS1 gene.[1][2]
This gene encodes a member of the K homology domain-containing,
RNA-binding, signal transduction-associated protein family. The encoded
protein appears to have many functions and may be involved in a variety
of cellular processes, including alternative splicing, cell cycle regulation, RNA 3'-end formation, tumorigenesis, and regulation of human immunodeficiency virus gene expression.[3]'
Here you are in the nucleus
this the kind of target for Leukemia and tough to treat
verification of over-expression is needed.
Gene 3 NMI (see next)
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