Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Monday, November 12, 2012

Reflections at the CRBCM

Doing the right thing no matter what because you have a conscience to live with, and because the joy of winning through politics are generally short lived, the truth will catch up with you soon enough.  You will have to cave in.  Acting in the wrong direction because you can, you will have a day of reckoning because you will not know when to stop.   You will cross the line one day and get burned. When you win because you can is not enough, you will continue to believe the wrong is right until you hit the wall, and you will end up backtracking and have to apologize or disappear in disgrace.  If your aim is to profiteer no matter what, do realize that if you choose a cynical way of winning, you lose control of the nature of the outcome and its consequences.  That is when the truth will come to claim its place, you may end up in a harder place than when you first started gambling.  Remember real life is not to be lived like a poker game where you have to win no matter what, life is to be lived with as much closeness to the truth as possible because you have a conscience, and because we all have to account soon or later!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Healthy Nutrition and Popular Wisdom

Conversations on metro buses give an interesting snapshot of popular wisdom shared about "Healthy Nutrition": "Mi esposo dice que comer mucha pasta, nueces y cachuetes durante el verano permite hacer grasa para el invierno y quedarse en buena salud." (my husband says that eating lots of pasta, nuts and peanuts during the summer allows to build up fat to stay healthy in winter).