Thursday, October 30, 2014

New Interesting case at CRBCM

A 47 Year old young Hispanic woman has been referred to us because a 1 year history of abdominal pain and lately has had Hematochezia.  An EGD and colonoscopy were performed and Biopsy in the stomach and the Colon revealed Burkitt Lymphoma. The patient Bone Marrow biopsy is still pending (it is my understanding that a first attempt by the pathologist failed-it should not happen!?  Now patient is asking for general Anesthesia-always a twist to some cases).  Lumbar tap cytology pending!
questions about this case
1.EBV titer?
3.or just plain old Allopurinol
4.Rituxan-HyperCVAD  Vs standerd ALL protocols
5.And now for intrathecal treatment -she is asking for general Anesthesia
6.How to prepare for transplant in patient with lack of Insurance
7. Echo Vs MUGA

Case unfolding, will update you

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