Showing posts with label cancer survivor program. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cancer survivor program. Show all posts

Saturday, March 23, 2013

CPRIT, a flawed organization?

CPRIT, a great organization in principle, but fundamentally flawed or skewed. By now we know it is a university funding organization.  The idea that CPRIT will ever become what it was imagined to be has been irreversibly given a blow to the cheek.  It still is to be known that it will ever recover. Its funding shackled by politicians who now own this dream-like organization!
And this is very unfortunate because there is increasing evidence that cancer is curable as target therapy has opened a new round of successful therapies. The CPRIT debacle has left deep wounds and critics see in the remnant a living organization bent on continuing the same dance!  The abrupt closure of a few fictitious companies is a tell-tale sign of what is to come unless an uninvolved  visionary leader takes control. Political appointees are unfortunately what we see.  And the objectivity and look from the outside is lost, new wind is not coming and CPRIT's old culture stays the same!  All we will see is a tighter dance, but globally the same dance. Cancer Cure will escape the people one more time!

New researchers are coming to CPRIT backed Universities, but every university has a culture and pressures that shape these researchers.  And the old CPRIT failed to control the events happening after money had been given. Nothing tells the observer that those changes have been put in place.  We know by now that CPRIT is an exclusive university funding source by design (reviewers have strong university ties and see the world in this light and prism) and that the private medical and research sector is excluded.  We should not mention our organization, we have been technically banned given our criticism...CPRIT only wants to hear good things!  But the truth is that it is refusing to hear what would and could make it a grand organization. CPRIT's responsibilities should not stop with the granting of funds, but making sure the implemented projects match CPRIT's objectives and policies even deep into the course of the projects' implementation. That fix has not occurred.  The risk is to end up with disparate and  futile findings (probably commercial). When you look around, there are antibodies commercially available everywhere, however no one is using them in a cohesive plan, and without its own plan for the cure, CPRIT is at the mercy of Universities. And these politicians at the head of CPRIT WILL NOT SEE THE DANGER OF BEING PULLED ONE WAY OR THE OTHER BY POWERFUL UNIVERSITIES.  CPRIT needs to pull away from this cosyness with Universities to achieve its goal quicker. It is playing safe by relying on Universities, but it is loosing its own perspective and is positioning  itself further as being only a university instrument ripe for another round of "cleaner" abuses.

Sunday, December 23, 2012


We have found an El Paso Chapter of the NAACP.  We at CRBCM have understood that the field is not leveled given the limited funds available.  Larger organizations will crush us and lead us to oblivion.  But we will fight until the enemies relent!  They have built futile barriers and discriminatory processes to shield us away from participation, they have put propaganda to cast doubt in the community while they are ripping the goods!  What they are afraid of is the competition in this race for the cure!  What they don't know  is that they cannot deny the facts that some people are more vulnerable to cancers, and that huge institutions gobbling up all the resources do not necessarily you in mind as a priority.  Do not believe that someone else will think of you as a priority.  The proof is in the pudding!  EL PASO HAS BEEN FORGOTTEN.  CPRIT SENT LESS THEN 1 PERCENT OF CLOSE TO A BILLION DOLLARS TO EL PASO WHICH IS THE 6TH LARGEST CITY IN TEXAS! AND IT IS NOT BECAUSE EL PASO DID NOT ASK FOR THE MONEY.   GRANT APPLICATIONS ARE BEING SYSTEMATICALLY REJECTED AT THE HEST OF SO-CALLED REVIEWERS WHO ARE UNIVERSITY BIASED REPRESENTATIVES!  OTHER APPLICATIONS ARE "ADMINISTRATIVELY WITHDRAWN" WITHOUT ANY REVIEW!  They call a party, but El Paso is not allowed to dance and show how good it is really.  Not even a chance to be reviewed!

They claim we have been removed from the competition because the Coalition did not have a product to be produced!  What is services to our community?  Under the survivorship program well detailed in our plan, most of the services are reimbursed by the federal government. This will assure survival and revenues for El Paso.  No, in their mind, services are not a product. They prefer gambling away money in research that will yield less 10-20% possible return in 10-15 years.  At the pace of progress,  most of these research RESULTS will be old by then.  Changes need to be implemented today to yield results in the near future.  Lifestyle need modifications today for a better Texas tomorrow.   If we agree that close to 3000 African women are dying yearly  from a breast cancer that could be prevented, when do you prefer having a solution? Now or in 10 years?  At CRBCM we believe that denying people participation in a race for the cure, is a civil right issue.  We call to the senses of our leaders to take positive steps to reduce politics!

Greed has entered the fray. Universities are shaping and packaging their products to fit funding requirements.
Since the old CPRIT was avidly gobbling up companies located outside Texas, old patents/research products developed in Texas, are quickly being sold to outside Companies so that CPRIT money is relocating these old patents to Texas!  and believe this, this has been funded reportedly! And funded 5 times the millions it was originally sold by the TEXAS university!  Do not tease me because I have the facts!  CPRIT now has been renovated, the new CPRIT will not let itself untangled in politics, at least we believe and hope!

We will continue our planned talk with the local chapter of the NAACP, because it is a CIVIL RIGHTS' issue to protect women from a disease they could be saved from today!