Showing posts with label funding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funding. Show all posts

Thursday, February 28, 2013


The foundation has been deemed a NON Government body by the District Attorney.
A senator had requested that files from the CPRIT Foundation be opened under Disclosure rules and the Foundation had refused to comply, claiming it was a non government institution because of its private funding source.  The district Attorney was asked to rule on the matter.  Now she has ruled for the foundation.
Reportedly, the Senator has not given up and has requested the Senate make the foundation a Government institution.  We at CRBCM are just watching the power play.  These games will just delay the fight for the CURE (if any).  Meanwhile budget discussion for new funding for CPRIT was once again by-passed, and the remaining 183 Million $ are still frozen.  There is a growing concern about the future of CPRIT and Health programs are caught in this messy uncertainty!
2 major officials are still waiting to be deposed by investigators while the criminal investigation is ongoing! They reportedly were not heard by the senate because doing so would have given them automatic immunity protections.

The Audit is still ongoing and still discovering new irregularities, with over 300 more funded projects to review, they have their work cut out!

Sunday, December 23, 2012


We have found an El Paso Chapter of the NAACP.  We at CRBCM have understood that the field is not leveled given the limited funds available.  Larger organizations will crush us and lead us to oblivion.  But we will fight until the enemies relent!  They have built futile barriers and discriminatory processes to shield us away from participation, they have put propaganda to cast doubt in the community while they are ripping the goods!  What they are afraid of is the competition in this race for the cure!  What they don't know  is that they cannot deny the facts that some people are more vulnerable to cancers, and that huge institutions gobbling up all the resources do not necessarily you in mind as a priority.  Do not believe that someone else will think of you as a priority.  The proof is in the pudding!  EL PASO HAS BEEN FORGOTTEN.  CPRIT SENT LESS THEN 1 PERCENT OF CLOSE TO A BILLION DOLLARS TO EL PASO WHICH IS THE 6TH LARGEST CITY IN TEXAS! AND IT IS NOT BECAUSE EL PASO DID NOT ASK FOR THE MONEY.   GRANT APPLICATIONS ARE BEING SYSTEMATICALLY REJECTED AT THE HEST OF SO-CALLED REVIEWERS WHO ARE UNIVERSITY BIASED REPRESENTATIVES!  OTHER APPLICATIONS ARE "ADMINISTRATIVELY WITHDRAWN" WITHOUT ANY REVIEW!  They call a party, but El Paso is not allowed to dance and show how good it is really.  Not even a chance to be reviewed!

They claim we have been removed from the competition because the Coalition did not have a product to be produced!  What is services to our community?  Under the survivorship program well detailed in our plan, most of the services are reimbursed by the federal government. This will assure survival and revenues for El Paso.  No, in their mind, services are not a product. They prefer gambling away money in research that will yield less 10-20% possible return in 10-15 years.  At the pace of progress,  most of these research RESULTS will be old by then.  Changes need to be implemented today to yield results in the near future.  Lifestyle need modifications today for a better Texas tomorrow.   If we agree that close to 3000 African women are dying yearly  from a breast cancer that could be prevented, when do you prefer having a solution? Now or in 10 years?  At CRBCM we believe that denying people participation in a race for the cure, is a civil right issue.  We call to the senses of our leaders to take positive steps to reduce politics!

Greed has entered the fray. Universities are shaping and packaging their products to fit funding requirements.
Since the old CPRIT was avidly gobbling up companies located outside Texas, old patents/research products developed in Texas, are quickly being sold to outside Companies so that CPRIT money is relocating these old patents to Texas!  and believe this, this has been funded reportedly! And funded 5 times the millions it was originally sold by the TEXAS university!  Do not tease me because I have the facts!  CPRIT now has been renovated, the new CPRIT will not let itself untangled in politics, at least we believe and hope!

We will continue our planned talk with the local chapter of the NAACP, because it is a CIVIL RIGHTS' issue to protect women from a disease they could be saved from today!