Monday, September 1, 2014

Activities at CRBCM

Our long endeavors continue
we have heard from NIH, they need more details for our research grant application for c-Myc and c-FOS, we are going to continue this line of research since so much is at stake!
we have concluded our mission in Indiana, will complete submissions.
work at the Plasma center has drastically increased as more involvement is required now to achieve the same role, we continue to follow-up on request for further Cytokine research needs here.  These places have significant access to plasma and Cytokines...Part of this work may include creation of a school of Biomedical Research in El Paso (part of an integral lab development)!  Prospective studies underway!
46 patients planned to be seen this week in clinic and 15 day calls, expansion is arriving, we will skip the trip to Indiana in September...
In October, it is confirmed we will be back at Kosciusko hospital,Warsaw Indiana, for more Oncology work...
This next Month, CRBCM will welcome the help of Orianne Brunet for the finalization of our work completed 1 year ago at Cielo Vista Mall.  Orianne will help set up our immunization program!
CRBCM is looking into ensuring independently access to care by indigent cancer patients!
CRCBM will closely follow CPRIT deliberations coming this Sept 3rd in Houston...
We are looking to publish within the next 2-3 months our work on lung cancer...CRBCM...research work continua...

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