Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Reflections at CRBCM

Reflections at CRBCM.

 Life has a way to complicate things
and people who dwell in politics do not know when to stop.
Science is strong when it is full of objectivity,
let the people who know how to do things, work free of politics.
It does not matter how big you are, if you are always wrong, you will become irrelevant to history,
will be brushed aside because the world will realize who you really are...
let people with the vision lead the way because human adventure will have to sustain itself through unwelcome noise and unfriendly  misadventure.  The vision remains the best protector of the adventure and of the place where the adventure tries to reach.   Don't get distracted, if a door is closed, keep looking for one that will open.  For as long as there is hope, the vision is possible. Just find a way to survive a little longer, until your door opens, until the opposition comes to its senses, until your voice is heard, until the critics realize you are not going away, until their bet fails, until they become irrelevant to the race.  Because it will happen without failing.  The truth always wins over falsification.  Politicians always get entangled in their own games.  Unless they speak the truth, they will keep on cheating until they unravel. Give them time to realize it!  If you conspire behind closed door, believe me, over time, those with you could one day change allegiance given shifting conditions of life, and whatever perfidy will come to light. You will lose control of the consequences and outcome.  History did not bring you to your position to fail, win by acting on your conscience and do things to improve the human condition, not reign by division and creating enemies.  I am saddened to meet people who proclaim as true the lies they have been fed, spreading division and blunt racism. Racism is the resort of those with no argument and intrinsic value.  There is no wrong in being proud of yourself as long as you do not impose those values on people who cannot see your positions and change to satisfy you.  Imposing an unfair burden on others is never right. Level the field and give to a chance to all. That is the American way!  

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