Sunday, January 12, 2014

more speculative notes on triple negative breast cancers

Through the TIAF gene, inhibition of JAK3 could have a role in triple negative Breast cancer.
The RELA,UBE2I and MITF genes could have a prominent role in the development of triple negative breast cancer,
Blocking FGF could shield FGFR in the pathogenesis of triple negative Breast Cancers
POLR2A is our link to Psoriasis and the Basal like morphology! And you really are talking to BRCA genes
If you reach the RELA, you are in the Sp-1 and SF-1 territory and with POU2F1, you are deep in the belly of the beast!
and with SF-1, you are really exploring the MYC gene  through the PUF-FUS (MyC gene/Xeroderma pigmentosus)

Basal cell like triple negative breast cancer has deep connections with autoimmune disease and therefore race (and probably gender)distribution through these mazes of genes.  At CRBCM, we are tracking it down!

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