Tuesday, July 16, 2013

where is CPRIT!

CRBCM is still looking for signs  of life at CPRIT!  we will advise our partnes as soon as we learn!
will send a camera to Houston/Austin.
all we could find in the media is this interesting statement:

" What I found particularly interesting, however, is how, in spite of a really nasty, disillusioning scandal like CPIRT having a largely happy ending for Texas taxpayers — the reformers got everything they wanted, from considerably more transparency to radical changes to avoid conflicts of interest — the Texas media largely downplayed Governor Perry’s signing of the bill. In this way, a scandal that started with an indignant outcry from the media and Texas residents ended as a footnote." (Bionews-tex).

A camera has been sent to record if indeed people are still at work!  Silence is just too heavy!  The involved journalists are just as silent!

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