Tuesday, December 10, 2013


I strongly believe the cell has multiple plays to hide from us its intrinsic play when it comes to neoplastic process.  I believe we have the cards and each of us has a hand of cards to play with. I believe we have before us confused facts, we need just to make the next step.  yes we have the basic facts, we just need to read them correctly. We know all the genes, and know most of their main roles.  And we have solid leads...

We know that stress leads to Gastric cancer, and we know the NF-kB is wild at play but so far our examination has been incomplete, and clearly we would benefit by looking at this pathway deliberately and completely since that approach would yield various culprit genes and potential targets to treat the ailment.

We know that in triple negative breast cancer the NF-kB must be implicated with disruption at hormone receptors.  BRCA and its full pathways of co-factors and downstream molecules (ie.BABAM-1, HTATIP and  ETV-6). And now the role of Androgen in luminal form of this cancer, the WISP3 in inflammatory Breast.  All these messages have not resounded in our head enough to excite us to cross the bridge...

We have the "wild genes" CRE,Gerb,Lyn,MyH or MyB, Flyn, Ep300, AR, etc.. Basically we know when things reach here, everything goes!

We know full differentiation requires the NOTCH, and MEK is the door to de-diferentiation (under the NOTCH control of the MAPK through the ADAMS10).  We know Ubiquitination is also under NOTCH influence...But we don't still use fully the Info!

Using the "master integrator" to its full potential too in cancer prevention to dampen Reactive Oxide species and reduce EGFR positive lung cancer in non smokers would be a significant new approach.
All this is on the desk at CRBCM as we start 2014.   Wish us luck, the fight is still ahead.

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