Sunday, February 2, 2014


It is critical to our readers to know that CRBCM is still alive, maturing and quickly expanding its reach...
It is mind "troubling" to think where despite our struggles we have position ourselves. It point to one thing, the need for CRBCM and institution such this one is "critically" great.  We are at
1. having chemotherapy patients needing us
2. patients from El Paso depending on us a week we are presenting at a local Hospital breaking news on gene studies in Breast cancers
4.Last week we were featured in "University of Texas in El Paso (UTEP) news". At least our MDHONORS/CRBCM  financed work on Lung cancer work was featured.
5.We are solicited for presentation and article reviews.
6. Our work on Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is selected for potential publication
7.We have presented our work on TBI through the hall of the prestigious UMC (University Medical Center)
And we the reinstitution of CPRIT, we are poised to submit another research proposal (participating is key, our expectation is "zero" for CPRIT is tricky.   We still don't know what this institution is trying to be...
8.We are still "medical Director" at a local Griffols/Talecris Plasma Center. And completed our work there!
9. We have taken over an over 30 year old prominent Medical Practice
10. We still have completed our mission in the snow covered Indianapolis
And yesterday when you were stretching your legs, enjoying a week-end, the CRBCM attended to more than 10 outpatient and inpatient patients who rely on this new clinic for immediate and future care!
11.On February 10, 2 Nursing students will start Rotation at CRBCM,
We will be at NIH, SBIR, and other funding institution submissions,
and most importantly we will continue our blog
 now followed internationally, with more than 35,000 reviews in 1 year!

The CRBCM....the year is still young, we are going to keep moving!

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