Tuesday, February 11, 2014

is c-fos over expression protective for Colon, Gastric and Bladder cancer? question of the day!

Is c-fos expansion or overexpression protective for Colon, gastric, bladder cancer (we are open to an opposite result)  THIS IS INVESTIGATION AFTER ALL!
Is it why diabetic have less cancer while on Insulin

"Regulation of c-fos expression in adipose and muscle tissue of diabetic rats.


Insulin treatment of control rats demonstrated a marked 8-fold transient increase (15 min) in c-fos mRNA in white adipose tissue, which returns to basal levels by 5 h. Similarly, insulin treatment resulted in a rapid 9-fold increase in cardiac muscle c-fos mRNA, "

we will look into this and by the way go to article if you need more data!

we believe what is going on with G-proteins and at epigenetic is so preoccupying for the cell that it block key pathway to cancer development....we will further investigate!

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