Thursday, January 24, 2013

As DIFFERENTIATION wanes and is finally shut down by a complete silencing of differentiation genes, PROLIFERATION gene expression is amplified  through transcription gene and and promoter silencing for differentiation, and promoter stimulation for the proliferation trends and forces.  the FORCE AMPLIFICATION AND IMPLEMENTATION LAW enter into effect (4TH LAW OF NATURE)
Any general elected trend of forces need to be amplified, protected, and fully implemented. The implementation should however follow the 5th law, the most important law in the life of the cell, LIFE PRESERVATION.   THIS LAW WILL LEAD TO THE 6TH LAW. LAW OF ADOPTION, ADAPTATION AND CONFORMITY OR SURVIVAL LAW.

PROLIFERATION HAS A TRUE COROLLARY EVENT.  Indeed during proliferation, the cell show it can return to its young form which means potential of return to totipotential cell.  And in some instances, with proliferation comes totipotentiality which is observed in Teratomas.  This happens when a set of genes were not fully silenced due to heterogeneity or mutation of genes and defective silencing.  A second corollary to the 3rd law, is the return to mobility because  among the gene of proliferation, many will impact the Cytoskelton and protection against Anoikis.

Each law and Corollaries  will be discussed with genes involved as we move forward.

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