Thursday, April 3, 2014

New areas of investigation in cancer research

Can Cisplatin be used to stop recalcitrant Viral hepatitis load  ?
or a combination of Cisplatin and Sunitinib or Imatinib
what is the relationship with RFX-1

" treatment with retinoic acid induces both MIBP1 and RFX1 protein, as well as their DNA-binding activity,"Z-Kaye et al.     (Is there promotion of c-MYC in APL by retinoic Acid use)
Lubelsky"derepression of the RFX1 gene is only partially blocked by inhibiting Chk1, the DNA checkpoint kinase."...." Rfx1 binds and represses its own promoter. Furthermore, Rfx1 binding to its promoter is reduced upon induction of a DNA replication block by hydroxyurea," A dangerous gene by its ability to self promote and repress.  Mutation here could have cataclysmic consequence, worth while checking number of this mutation in CML, and whether this would be a clone responding better to Hydrea?

how frequently Testicular cancer present with this Mutation
Is an indication that Hydrea could replace the bad, dangerous Bleomycin?

What is its (RFX1 mutation) presence in Thyroid cancer
Can Hydrea work there?
should Anaplastic thyroid cancer therapeutic combination include Hydrea when RFX-1 is over expressed?
Is RFX1 a biomarker for Hydrea activity?  Can Cisplatin be associated to booster the effect?
do not confuse with NFX-1 implicated in Papilloma Virus but acting strangely the same as it come to penetrating the Nucleus? or may be they are both epigenetic, but this one linked to p109 according to the Seattle People!

To read more?

Go to:  "

Study of FoxA Pioneer Factor at Silent Genes Reveals Rfx-Repressed Enhancer at Cdx2 and a Potential Indicator of Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Development

Jason A. Watt et al....

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