Monday, April 28, 2014

Prevention and monitoring following cellular zones

As predominant abnormalities of genes are more described as they are specific to each cancer, most likely location of genes in the cell could further characterize gene location for further development of prevention intervention.
These interventions may include:
-gene modification (morphologic, post translational modifications, and otherwise...)
-gene activation that induce overexpression
-gene suppression which induce deactivation (PTEN)
-gene silencing (through methylation and other complementary molecules)
Whether you approach the gene targeted for intervention by standard approach or nanotechnology, it is important to predict where you are more likely to find this gene.  Is the gene more likely in the extracellular matrix (Metalloprotease) or in the Nucleus or rether in the epigenic zone.  Where is the gene that is more likely to be other mutated, over expressed or suppressed.

Most of the times, given the light speed of interactions and travel down the pathways, where to intervene may not be relevant, but increasing the odds force scientist to locate intervention points.  ie, Patient with lobular cancer with history of Familial Gastric cancers are known to have E-Cadherin abnormality, focusing prevention efforts on the membrane, will go a long way than focusing studies on Telomeres...

To be continued.....

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