Monday, February 18, 2013


*Flying today to Indiana,  WARSAW!
New prospects await
life is short
CRBCM is still on the move
There is still hope
we will survive
Interested in their plan to develop a cancer center
will talk and explore their meaning
This is exciting!  let's catch United 3736

*Today will e-mail our PI for the DOD project
It is Amazing how much a determined leader Vs a hesitant one can make a difference.
Sometimes life of people, a city, a country can rest in the will of one person, this is the scenario.
The PI is one of the "Quadrons" at Fort Bliss.
His involvement is the only requirement we have to fulfill to get this grant!
And he does not know us from ADAM !
How do you convince a guy!?
CRBCM is going to try.

*Follow-up on Request for Medications for indigent and un-insured patients
for Xeloda and Avastin today.
It is amazing how much paper work and phone calls are required
absolute poverty is some times hard to prove when the eye of the beholder is full of suspicion and doubts!
We keep trying at CRBCM. Never giving up. Never.

Let's catch that plane!

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