Tuesday, February 5, 2013


As we speak with the University of Texas in El Paso, the CRBCM would like to look further into the clinical use of a potent Inhibitor in a phase I study.  We believe this compound will have a significant role in Triple Negative Breast Cancer.  Butein, a derivative of Charcone, a powerful anti-Oxidant and known anti-inflammatory used in ASIA, seems to have a global inhibitory effect.  It is one of the 3 inhibitors of the SRC, it is a Glutathione inhibitor, Blocker of EGF, inhibitor of IKK, and of the NF-kB signal transduction pathway, cause phosphorylation of the AKT, reduction of Cyclin D1 and D2,  activation of WAF1/p21 and KIP1/p27, Iron induced inhibitor of Xanthine Oxidase (love that enzyme since I first learned about Asthma).
This Butein stuff is a global inhibitor.  If you add this to MTOR inhibitors, you may end up with too toxic a combination for any cancer! This would be an overwhelming attack on cells!

It has demonstrated powerful Ex-vivo activity against breast and prostate cancer cell lines, and is empirically used against Gastric cancer.

This global and versatile inhibitor, Butein, should have activity in Sarcoma since it inhibits SRC and potentially the fibroblast.  Other Inhibitors of SRC, heme supported phosphorylation and CYIKYYF.  (of note CDK1, PTRC and PTK2)
Gave you so many letters, lets move to gene Nomenclature please!  we are still working hard at the CRBCM!

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