Friday, December 21, 2012


Today is a big day for CRBCM, we have completed our comittments in Houston.  It has been challenging.  But with every step comes the hope that at the end of this struggle, the CRBCM will prevail in its mission.  We will see things through.
Today was a big day as the CRBCM was acknowledged by leaders of our community in letters and phone calls.  We thank Senator Jane Nelson for taking the time to write to us.  She will never realize the full breadth of the significance of her letter for the life of the CRBCM!  We also thank investigators who called us to have our take on the business at CPRIT.   We believe at CRBCM that CPRIT will rise to the challenge and bring the cure to a reality.  We believe history will be made by CPRIT because it must.  Too much is at stake.  And the CPRIT initiative is the right answer to the challenge of Cancer.

Today is a big day because CPRIT is back on its feet.  We, the CRBCM, join others to congratulate Mr Wayne Roberts amd Mr Billy Hamilton who will bring new wind and trust to CPRIT.   While we celebrate their appointments, the CRBCM will remind them that El Paso needs to be given a chance to participate.  While it is true that we cannot compete with the MD Anderson or Rice University.  It is not right nor appropriate that at each round of CPRIT grants, the same players win all the time!  I really doubt that those who fought for CPRIT intended this great institution to be solely a University funding source.  Otherwise they would have called it so.  When one look at the Constitution, what the founding fathers thought is a huge argument.  We believe that the founding fathers of CPRIT who are all alive can speak today so that the future of CPRIT can be better understood now and in history!

El Paso is relatively poor compared to most grant receiving CPRIT Cities.  The CRBCM believes that a minimum investment in EL Paso will have a larger impact in people's life today!  El Paso is the 6th largest City in Texas but less than 1% of CPRIT investment reached us!  However one cuts this, it cannot be right!   Even Biotech Companies relocating to Texas are all pouring into Dallas and Houston.  Why?  El Paso is the safest City in the United States.  Their families will be safe! 

At CRBCM, times are hard as we are not yet allowed to participate. We have by now submitted 5 projects to CPRIT.  2 have been  turned down.  3 are still pending.  CPRIT policies provide an appeal process.  We will submit to this process to challenge it and test it.  We know our chances are slim but the system requires to be tested.  The CRBCM has a vision and a mission to complete to save lives!  We believe in the mission, we will keep THE DREAM ALIVE  in this Lone Star State, and in these United States of America.  God bless America, God bless us all in this Christmas Time!  The fight is on!

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