Monday, May 20, 2013


The success of T-DM1, an Herceptin combination with Entansine, is a significant progress that marks elective delivery of Chemotherapy to specific cells carrying the receptor for Trastuzumab.  It addresses one of the most critical step in the cancer fight.  That is how to selectively hit the cancer cell, sparing normal cells best you can.   This advance would not have been  possible without the knowledge and detection of Herceptin receptor in the first place.  This is an example of how knowledge from before is being used to build on for future knowledge!
Possessing the technology to use known receptor this way in order to deliver a drug to the cancer cell electively is now the new rush. And drug development companies around the world are in fierce competition to try to better command this technology!  PSA (prostate specific antigen), MUC2 receptors have been used to deliver drugs specifically to prostate and lung cancers.  (OOKAWA et al.  "breast cancer and A427 lung cancer cells, MUC2 expression was increased along with the endogenous p53 level by actinomycin D, UVC, and x-ray, but not in RERF-LC-MS lung cancer cells carrying a mutated p53. These results suggest that p53 directly activates the MUC2 gene in many cell types.")-lung cancer cells like the bowel, have MUC2, I am not just making up this stuff, and here you see the link with P53, take a quick note!

Coming back to our subject at hand, companies around the world are jumping on the band wagon to dominate and command this technique on selective hit to cancer.  And I am sure you understand why?  while we are now giving now powerful drug (drug that are 10x the current chemotherapies in strength)  next we will be giving selective blow to driver genes in cancer and if remember the number of genes, the potential for this technology becomes  quickly endless!

Cancer cells have a set of Receptors that is different from their normal counterpart.  Knowing this difference is critical in the design of this therapeutic approach. We are still waiting from CPRIT  results of some of the projects working on this.  But it will be a major development if  such a panoply of receptors are proposed through these companies to develop future projects!  It is now clear that knowing more receptors is critical for new drug development!

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