Monday, June 17, 2013

Evolution of the Role of the Oncologist!

The evolution of the role of the Oncologist has remarkably evolved from the one who had to manage chemotherapy, hormone therapy and immunotherapy to the one who detect and advise carriers of genetic predisposition to cancer when it comes to heritable neoplasms, determination of needed and actionable driver mutations, selecting appropriate referrals for genetic counseling, advising as to recommended Maintenance therapy for survivors and helping them survive with sequellae of various therapies in the management of cancers!
In Prostate Cancer, hormone therapy has been so successful and is relatively benign, that Urologist have encroached and taken over this role that used to be mainly performed by Oncologists.  With the advent of target therapy which now comes in pill form, there will be an increasing shrinkage of the roll of the Oncologist as more physician continue to familiarize themselves with these pills.  To survive, the oncologist needs to further master cell biology to keep a noticeable edge.  And doing so He will find himself encroaching in other specialties of which Immunology/Rheumatology will be more likely the area given the fact that it too is a cell biology based science, and chemotherapy drug have been used here mostly at low doses!

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